The Standard from London, Greater London, England (2024)

THE STANDARD TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 1893. Italian, -while Ecuador (New) fell 1 Greek 1884, and Ditto Monopoly and Four per Cent. Rentes, Argentine Cedula Buenos Ayres Cedula and and Turkish Conversion i. UNI VERSITY INTELLIGENCE. (FROM OUS CORHESrONDEVT.

CAMBRIDGE, Jbhb 19. At Pembroke College the following awards of KrdnTn. and the innings, which had occupied four hours and a-half. closed for 228. Kent made a terribly lad start, Castle and Weijrall.

who opened to the bowling of liawlin and Hearne, so parted. Castle was caught at seven, and with la up Wejgatl fell to Hearne. Knowles and Wright kept their wickets iutact until the close of play, when the total had been raised to 47, Kent, with seven wickets to fall, OTOCK5. THE MONEY MARKET. Monday Evening.

Discount rates showed increased firmness today, owing chiefly to the further fall in the New i'ork exchange, and the chances of gold heing shipped to the United States later on. Bills were in better supply, and brokers finally held nit for 1 per cent, for three months' Bank ships, 011 the June examination bitve been made to-day 1 "emg44i marrear. TCe wicket played queeny iuvwpiu finish, and several balls got up very awkwardly. Presen un verv awkwardly, jrreaeni score penoiiirsinpa uwnaiwn: u. sa acne M.

a D. Better to 70L; F. A. Howard to 70. Elected to Scholarships: II.

S. Pendlebury and W. F. Bumsidc to u. May to AOL Elected to Exhibitions for year: g.

It! Crawford to A. G. W. Sayt-r and S. V.

'Roe to 20. 10i'. awarded to A. II. M'NcHe for Hebrew ami Middlesex.

Mr. A. J. Webbe. run out 4S H.

3. Mordaunt, Hib-Mr 1 i 1 I II bl ii. MacgregOR nor out. Mr. T.

Erreek Testament, and of 5. to C. V. Adams for Greek Hearne. v.

rwiu ti. a. riearne 13 ua. Htasrne 13 Testament. At Pct jrhouse the following Undergraduates have lieea paper.

Six months' drafts were quoted 2 per cent. Call money was easily borrowed at to per and to 1 per cent, was usually paid for advances for a week or a fortnight. Gold Wright 1 Byes. 9: leg-byes. 4: no 'balls, 2 15 elected to StaiolaraufpR.

or promote! to acnolarslups of Rawlin, A. Hearne 45 Mr. W.S. Hale, run 36 Air. P.

G. T. Henery. G. Hearne 18 Mr.

F. G. J. Ford, Bar greave. G.

Hearne 23 is still in steady demand in the open market for Germany. Kknt. higher annual values L'. Ai kins. ML: 11.

G. Ball, A. A. Jack. A.

Howard, SOL ll.B Foster, II. EilgfiUflon, 40i. L. W. P.

Lewis, 40'. P. II. Stewart, H. Ball, M.

At Corpus Chi'sti College the following Scholarships have been awarded: Frazer (in place of 50. 11 itior). S5L foundar tion Candler, 30L foundation Stevens (in place of 30L minor), foundation Mills, 30'. foundation Parker (iiv SPORTING INTELLIGENCE. RACING NOTES.

With something less than seventy horses on the spot, the racing at Gosforth Park during the ensuing three days cannot be heavy, but the statement of the fact need not be taken to imply that the sport will lack a certain amount of interest. Ascot performers are represented in Harbinger and Basildon, who will throw down the gauntlet the two chief weight for age events to the pick or the north country horses. Reports to-night from Kilhngworth are to the effect that the course is very hard, but at the time of dispatching these notes a steady rain is falling, with a probability of a wet night. My selections for the opening day are appended The Melden Plate, Dark Beauty Twelfth Biennial, Jam Satis North Derby, Harbinger; Blagden Handicap, Dartmoor; Stewards' Plate, Earl of Annandale The arrival list at Windsor to-night suggests that the fields will at least be up to the average. Of course the ground is hard, but still some interesting sport is promised, and with the weather of a most enjoyable character, there is every reason to look forward to a large attendance each day.

My selections for tomorrow are as under Royal Plate, Gbania Two-yr-Old Plate, Ccrlycraft Eton Handicap, Barmecioe or Vanguard; Shorts Selling, Cast-blab; Thames Handicap, Day Dream; Rothschild Plate, Man op Ross. ASMODEUS. Monday Night. NEWCASTLE AND GOSFORTH PARK MEETING. Programme for This Day.

2 15 The Meldon Welter Handicap Plate. One Mr. G. J. V.

Weigall. 1 A. Hearne HMrnp. K'lwlin Wright, not out Byes nearne 8 Mr. S.

Castle, Macgregor, bKnwlln 1 Mr. W. L. Knowles. not for the half-year ending May 31, after adding 40007.

to the Reserve Fund. Messrs. Morton, Rose, and Co. annonnce that the Leopoldina Railway Company of Brazil have handed to the representative of the Bondholders in Kio de Janeiro remittances for the amount of interest payable July 1 on the Bio de Janeiro and orthern Kail-way Six per Cent. Bonds, in accordance with the agreement of September 26th, 1892.

and Co. (Limited) have received a remittance of 5785. in a bill on London on account of the service of the City of Buenos Ayres Four-and-a-Half per Cent. Sterling Loan of 1888. Messrs X.

M. Rothschild and Sons announce the numbers of Bonds, amounting to 55,200., of the Egyptian Guaranteed Three per Cent. Loan, which have been drawn for payment at par on 1st September nMessrs Louis Cohen and Sons announce the numbers of 107 Debentures, amounting to of the issue of 393,700. Five-and-a-Half per Cent. Debentures, 1881, of the Campos and Carangola Railway, which have been drawn, and will be paid on and after July 3.

Notice is given of the purchase and cancellation in Berlin of 18,820. Bonds of the Mexican Six per Cent. Consolidated External Loan of 1888, and of 5380. Bonds of the Mexican Six per Cent. External Loan of 1890, in pursuance of the stipulations contained in the agreements relating to these Loans.

Messrs. Louis Cohen and Sons announce the pav-ment, on and after July 3, of the balance of the arrears of interest, due July 1, 1892, on the Debentures (both issues) of the Macahe and Campos Railway Company, and the Bonds drawn for redemption on July 1, 1892, less a deduction of Is. 6d. in the pound for expenses. The Guanta Railways, Harbour, and Coal Trust Company has received cable communication from the general manager at Barcelona, announcing the official opening of the second section of the railway.

The half-year's interest on the Six per Cent. Mortgage Debentures of James M'Ewan and Co. (Limited), due July 1, will be naid on and after that date bv the Disconrr. Per ct. Bank rate 2 3 mos.

Bank bills 1 6ibos. Bank bills 2 Snaps, 2 fines, fine trade 2 Mowzt. Per ct. 7dayB'nkof Egl'd loans Bankers' deposit 1 Brokers' deposit I 1 7 day market loans 1 Dav-to-dav money i 2 16 piiU'eot (Of. lounaauon raterwu tin iiain ui 001..

651. foundation; E'win, 501. foundation Williams, ZQl. and rooms. The Master Prize is awarded to Ke 1110 Business was again very limited in all depart Bachelor's Cup to Peaiee the Beading Prizes to I)t: Middlkskx.

First Innings. o. m. it. w.

I a. ...19 ..6.. A. Hearne 40 ...32.3.. 7..

72. 2 I U. Hearne ....26 A. Hearne bowled tv.o M. W.

.11.. 109. .4 8.. 63.. 2 Martin Wright Caiidoieaiid KOeliC; tne Klllt-sli loi the Brotherton Literature Prize to Koelle; the Greek Testament and Hebrew Prizes to Knowles.

Beading in Chapel, Masters. Greek Testament (ordinary Degree), Mayall. F. G. Masters has been re-appointed Sub-Librarian.

J. T.HiGnesb anil G. Swift have been appointed Spencer Scholars, and J. H. St.

B. Hod-son and A. C. Rogers Chapel Clerks. Tito Brotherton Sanskrit Prize has been awarded to W.

C. Gel-ciart, of Pembroke College. At Trinitv College, the Prizes for Reading in Chapel are WEATHER FORECASTS. awarded to II. G.

S. Tyler (1) and J. II. Stamp The The following Forecasts were prepared last niht at the Meteorological Office at Half-past Eight o'clock. Districts.

winds, moderate or fresh. 2 England. BE Changeable, local showers. northerly. th local a 10 10 Golden a 9 12 stalactite.6 Arrow.

4 a 9 12 DarkBeauty a 10 8 Indian JyrV Chief. 4 yrs 9 8 East Linton in Pffinumtn a 4 vrs Conler and less settled, Wi KkJS 2 if thunderstorms. National Bank of Scotland. 8 12 Complica-tious. 4 yrs a 8 12 Juicy, 3 yrs a 8 10 Upsuon, 3 a 8 5 Crab -Apple, 3 yrs a 8 Stockholm, 3 yrs 8 0 Roy's Wife II-i 3 yrs Pabk Biennial 10 Master a Saturday.

To-day. Business Done. 55 60 45 49 694 63i 963 704 794694 704 695704 464 464 44 48 40 42 41 43 32 34 .52 74 744 "Mi 75 742 4 3 4 44 32i 323 23i 30 29i 29J 80 82 95 97 704 714 84 86 66 664 G6 653 66 4 33 35 -32 35 10 104 9i 104 92 94 86 87 86 87 87 85 87 924 934 923 3j 3 i 104 106 104 106 102 104 104 24 101 103 18 20 17 22 17 22 62 65 624 55 ,0 11 38 40 37 39 384 1004 lOOj 1004 4 I 95J 95J 35 4 1034 ,044 mi 4 31 1C1 102 101 45 43 454 45 48 974 93 1044 1054 854 864 494 50 493 494 50 49 494 494 9 534 54 534 533 533 3S4 363 33 364 36 5i 49 51 604 53 55 54 3 5 6 5 953 96J 964 92i 924 92 92S 100 102 109 112 111 90 93 105 109 724 73 723 734 724 14 I 24 14 83 100 102 97 99 88 90 16 18 22 234 223 5 105 107 106 108 95 98 964 1004 100J 80 85 22 25 22 25 24 20 22 S) 22 663 664 663 4 105 107 103 105xd 103 105 IO64 3074 103 105 994 100 IOO5994 973 68498 56 564 553 564 553 333 344 234 23i ZU 22 344 35 35 354 354 I 5 4 5 36 33 37 9 12 Bed Wheat, 9 1 duch*ess of 5 yrs Fie 5 Argentn.6p.c.l831 l.5p.c.l884... tto.Sp.c.lBSe... Do.

5. p.e. N. Do.5p.c.Treay. Do.

44 p.c. 1888 Do. 44 p.e. 1889 Do.3ip.c.Extnl. Do.Fg.Ln.6p.e.

Do. 7 p.c. Ced.A Do. Austrian 5 p.c. Silver Rente Do.G old Rentes Braz.

44 p.c. 1883 Do.Goldl879 Do. 44 p.c. 1833 Do. 4 p.c.

1889... Bus.Ays.6p.c.l882 and 1886 Do. 6 p.c. 1833.. Do.

Ceds. I A Bulgarian 6 p.c... Chilian44 p.c.l8S6 Do. 44 p.c. 1S87 Do.

44 p.c. 1883 Do. 5 p.c. 1892.. Chinese7 p.c.

Do. 7 p.c. Do.6p.c.l895, 1 March Do.6p.c.l835. i June Colombian43 p.c Cordova6p.c.l919 Do. 6 p.c.

Bonds Costa Rica Do. Ecuador New Ecypt. 4 p.c.Unif. Do. 34 p.c.

Pref. Do.5p.c.Domn. Do. 4 p.c. Daira.

Ent.Rios6p.c. 1886 Do. 1888 French 3p.c.Rent. D0.44 p.c Rentes German3p.c.Cou. Greek 5 p.c.

1881.. Do. 5 p.c. 1884... Do.4p.c.Monop.

Do. 4 p.c.Rentes Guatemala 4 p.c Do.Intnl,A,B.C Honduras Hungn.4p.c.l881 Italian 5 p.c Do. 1851 Do. Do.5p.c.Ma.K. Japanese7p.c.l873 Mexican6p.c.l888 Norweg.

4 p.c.1880 Do. 34 p.c. 1886 Do. 3 p.c. 1888..

Paraguay 1886 Portuguese 3 p.c. Prussian 4 p.c Russian 4 p.c. Xic. Do. 4 p.c.

1889... San Paulo 5 p.c..., Santa Pe6p.e. 1883 Do.5p.c.,1888... Do. (w.

Cent. Ry.) 5 p.c SantaFeRecnqsta. Spanish 4 p.c. Do.Quicks.5p.c. Swedish 4 p.e.1878 Do.

4 p.c. 1880... Transvaal 5 p.c... Turkish 5 p.c. 1854 Do.

44 p.c. 1871 Do4p.c.Defence Do. Conv. A. Do.

do. Do. do. Do. do.

Cruguay 34 p.c. Venez. 3 p.c. 1881 6. Scotland, Same as If 03.

0 to 2. 7. England, X.W. fand N. Wale) I 8.

England, S.W. I Northerly moderate. Change- (and S.Wales) able, some showers, thunder locallv. 9.1re!and, Of I 10. Ireland.

Warnings. None issued. The half-yearly meeting of the National Dispount will take place on July 19th next. It was erroneously stated that it would take place to-day. Cable news is to hand from Johannesburg that the 2 50 The Twelfth Gosforth Stares.

Five furlongs. amalgamation between the New Primrose and the New a 7 bv Philam 8 12 Queen of the mon Mint-drop 8 7 Blackwater 8 7 Castlerose 8 7 Kilmallock 8 7 Argelato 8 4 Rosedew. by Rosebery Drizzle a 8 4 Ada a 8 4 FbyGlendale or Cona-gl en a 8 4 Eilwm Boid- heaeh a 8 4 Betsy Shannon 8 4 Donova 8 4 SinginiT Kinnie 8 4 Odds Bobs a 8 4 Chittapet 8 4 Whipper Snapper 8 4 La Volt 8 4 Nepeta 8 4 Maana Ash 8 4 Graw Chat Hunt 8 7 Balthazar 8 7 Reproach 8 7 Ueneral Sir fievys 8 7 Pelorue 8 7 Newfoundland 8 7 WUdCounsel 8 7 LavrMinister 8 7 Colleague 8 7 St.Germanus a 8 7 Jam Satis 8 7 Cbvlshmael- Moss Kose ompanies has been agreed to by the Shareholders of both Companies. The New Primrose absorbs the other Company. The following are the Customs receipts of the Mozambique Company, at Beira, from the 1st January to the 30th April, 1893 January, 758.

7s. Februarv, 1315. 19s. 2d, March, 1412. 0s.

lid. April, 1497. 16s. 2d. total, 4984.

4s. 2d. Letters of allotment in the Harquahala Gold Mining Company (Limited) have been posted. The Day Dawn P. C.

Gold Mining Company has received the following cablegram from Charters Towers, giving the result of crushing for the fortnight ending June 17 "268 tons 237 182 ounces, worth 410., by cyanide process." The Brighton Railway Compahy'8 receipts for the 8 4 MistressPage Mnemosyne 3 25 The North Derby. One mile and a half. 8 7 Inraldshv 7 CI hv Sir a 9 7 Harbinger Joseph or Gallant Bo-Peep a 8 7 Xylophone 8 7 Rirabecca a 8 7 Lothianadale a 8 7 Khartoum a 8 7 NapoleonllL a 8 7 Canning 8 7 Try Me a 8 7 Maagregor a 8 7 Jocularity 8 7 Remington 8 7 by Exile IT. La Tamise 8 7 Roseraead 8 7 Baroscope 8 4 by Hermit. dam by Controversy Muhonia 8 4 Harmby a 8 4 Nymph a 9 4 Son of a Gun 9 4 New Guinea a 9 1 Sweden 8 12 Master Munden 8 12 Bedlam a 8 12 Orraac a 8 9 Vestalia a8 7 Hale 6 7CbyPuilam- mon River Plate KEMAKK3.

At 6.0 p.m. Pressure was highest, 30.0in. and upwards. In Ireland and the west of Scotland, as well as over thegreater part of the Spanish Peninsula. Lowest, iW.oin.

ail i less, in it large de-pression lying over Sweden. Gradients slight. Barometer tailing generally, most in Denmark and the south of Sweden. Temperature was highest, 81, in London, 80 at Paris, 79 at Jersey, 74" at Valencia (Ireland), 73J at Urest and Roche-fort, and 72" at. the North Foreland.

Lowest, 52J, at Stim-burh Head, 53a at Stockholm and Skiidesnaes, 53 at Stonmvray, and 54 at Aberdeen and Shields. In the course of the the thermometer bas risen to 80 u.t Valencia (In to at York, Jersey, aud Hurst Castle, and to 88 in Loudon. Wind was moderate to fresh from the northward or northwestward over the northern parts pf the United Kingdom light or moderate from the north-eastward on our southwest coasts variable (but chiefly south-westerly) in the south-east of England. Light from the northward over the greater part 01 France, strong from the westward or northwestward in Denmark anil the sout of Norway. Weather was eloudv at many of the western stations in our Islands and France, with thunder at Biarritz.

Fine in most other parts of our area, but rainy at Stockholm. Thunderstorms have occurred to-day at Pembroke and also in the south of Ireland, and a thundery appearance is now-reported at several of our southern and south-eastern stations. Sea was moderate to smooth. There are at present distinct indications of the format ion of shallow depressions over various parts of the United Kingdom, and lew settled weather is probable to-morrow, with local thunderstorms. London Observations.

At 6.0 p.m., barometer was falling: shade temperature, 81; wind west, light; weather line. Highest, shade temperature in past 24 hours, 88; lowest, oK Rainfall, none. Amount of bright suu-shine registered at Westminster to-day about 9-J hours. ments 01 the btock Exchange, and, with a tew exceptions, prices showed littlo change of interest. Consols improved 5, the closing price for both money and the account being 993-16 India Three-and-a-Half per Cents, were tip at 108f and two or three Colonial Government issues also left off a shade better.

In Home Kailway Stocks the only feature was a fall in the southern descriptions, owing to the disappointing traffic return of the Brighton Company, and renewed uneasiness regarding the cholera and the drought. Brighton fell South-Eastern Deferred 1 to S3? and South-Eastern Ordinary to 153. Chatham Preference was down at and the Ordinary Stock Sfe the movements were unimportant, treat JNortnern Preferred declined and Great Eastern f. South-Western Ordinary improved 1, to 191 an the Deferred Stock to United States Railroad Shares were exceptionally quiet all day, and closed almost unaltered. The market hardened for a time when Wall-street prices came to hand, but became easier afterwards.

Lake Shore rose Pennsylvania and Atchison and Erie Union Padfic, Norfolk and Western Preferred, and Northern Pacific Preferred gave way to Beading Income Bonds were down i Canadian Pacific Shares, and Grand Trunk Stocks closed steady. The latter improved to I in the morning, hut fell back. Mexican Ordinary and First Preference Stocks dec-lined ji About half a dozen Foreign Railway Debenture issues rose Among these was the Five per Cent. issue of the Leopoldina Rail-in: v. which a few days ago received its first pay-jaenf under the new conditions.

Bank Shares were exceptionally quiet. United States Brewing Company's Shares rose -J-, on the report. East and West Inc'ia Debenture Stock advanced 1, to 103. J. C.

and J. Field Ordinary declined to 7. City of Parana Six per Cent. Loan rose 2, to 37 and Bnenos Ayres Works Certificates 2, to 72. London General Omnibus Stock declined 3, to 120.

Foreign Government Securities were neg-ieeted, both on this side and on the Continent. Argentine 18S6 and Funding Bonds improved on the result of the meeting to-day, to which reference is made below. Cedula issues were dull, closing lower. Uruguay Bonds iin-proved to 3o and Brazilian of 18S9 and Mexican of 1S88 to 66 and 73. The latter wire flat at one time, but recovered sharply.

Prussian Four per Cents, rose 1, to 107. Greek issues gave way to the 18S4 Bonds falling most. Ecuador were down 1 Mine Shares were hardly dealt in at all, and showed no special change. Do Beers were steady, and Jagersfontein declined to Shares closed 6d. lower, at 39s.

Meyer and Charlton improved 3-1 6, and a few others 1-16. Stanhope declined Rio Tinto Shares improved ij-16, to lof. bullion operations were reported at the Bank. The steamers Umbria and Elbe have arrived from New York with 80,000. in specie.

The Hutlej is due here on the 20th. inst. with 47,600. in lar gold from Bombay. Bar silver improved to per oz.

past week show an increase of 47. as compared with the same week last year, and the South-Eastern Company's an increase of 319. The gross receipts of the Paraguay Central Railway for March amounted to 554,427, and the expenses, including renewals, to 53,683. Business Done comprises transactions up to three p.m. only distinguishes 44 small bonds," and 44 exceptional amounts at special prices." 8 7 Gander 8 4 Certificate 8 7 Charivari 4 0 The Blagdon Handicap Plate.

Five furlongs. h. 9 0. Present. I a 8 10 Kbor.

3 yrs CRICKET. THE PLAYERS OF ENGLAND v. THE AUSTRALIANS. A more striking illustration of the uncertainty of cricket than that given at Lord's yesterday was probably never recorded. After suffering easy defeats last week at the hands of the M.C.C.

(seven wickets) and the South of England (ten wickets), the Colonials were not expected to make a very great show against an eleven representative of England's professional talent, yet the visitors outplayed the home side at every point of the game, and wound up the day with an advantage that augurs well for their ultimate success in this the thirteenth match of their tour in England. The Australians were more fortunate in the game under notics than they have been for some little time past. Blackham and George Giffcn were once more fit for active service, whilst they had the good luck to win the toss. This was an important factor in their success. The wicket, suffering from the prolonged drought, speedily began to show signs of wear, and when the Englishmen went in to bat Trumble found a spot which rendered his deliveries well nigh unplayable.

The inclusion in the Australian ranks of Blackham and George Giffen caused Jarvis, Walter Giffen, and Coningham to be left out. On the home side considerable weakening of the eleven occurred through the defection of Arthur Shrewsbury, who is on the injured list. The vacancy thus caused in the team, as originally selected, was left to be filled up by either Shacklock or Chatterton, and the choice of the "powers that be" eventually rested on the Derbyshire professional. Taken in its entirety, the Players' team, although strong, could not be regarded as thoroughly representative, lacking as it did the names of one or two Lancashire and Yorkshire men who will readily commend themselves to the mind of the reader. The two great northern shires were, however, engaged at Leeds.

Hence the absence from head-quarters of their representatives, whilst the Middlesex v. Kent encounter at Gravosend precluded the claims of J.T. Hearne from coming under consideration. It might reasonably have been expected that, after their being on view in the Metropolis throughout the whole of last week, interest in the doings of the Australians would have cooled down somewhat. This was the more likely in view of th rather indifferent form displayed by the visitors of late.

Per contra, it would be argued, however, that the fixture was the most important of any yet engaged in by the Colonials. Any way, there was no falling off in public interest, if one may judge by the attendance, which must have reached between nine and ten thousand, 7469 people paying for admission at the turnstiles. The heat was Intense, scarcely a breath of wind tempering the sun's scorching rays, and the majority of the players wore linen helmets, which rendered their identification in the field somewhat difficult. As already mentioned, the Australians won the toss, and commenced batting at five minutes to twelve. In all their innings lasted two hours and three-quarters and closed for 189.

It presented few features of special interest, albeit an indication of how the wicket was likely to perform was given directly after luncheon. Before the interval five of the visitors were disposed of for 134, but on resuming, the remaining half of the side were out in 50 minutes for an addition to the figures of 55. The most notable feature of the innings, perhaps, was the success of Tyler, who, although the last of the; five bowlers to be tried, took half a dozen wickets for a trifle over five runs apiece, thus somewhat upsetting the idea that has recently prevailed to the effect that it was bad policy to play a slow bowler against the Anti-podeans on the fast wickets now predominating. The start of the innings was not a particularly bright one, as although Lyons and Bannermau (who offered a sharp chance to Attewell when he had scored 3) took the score to 31 before the first wicket fell, two men were disposed of at 43 (scored in half an hour), George Giffen being caught at slip without scoring, whilst Lyons was then tempted to have a go at a slow one from Attewell, and was well taken at long-on by Bean. Of the runs then made Lyons claimed all but 13, but he had scarcely hit so freely as usual, having occupied nearly forty minutes in the compilation of his 30.

Bruce and Trott were next associated, and made a useful little stand. Fifty was telegraphed as the result of three-quarters of an hour's play, and at the end of the first sixty minutes the total amounted to 70. Lockwood and Davidson were given a trial, but not until it had resulted in the accumulation of 42 runs made in thirty-five minutes was the partnership broken up by Davidson, who bowled Bruce. Graham helped Trott to put on 40 for the fourth wicket, when the latter, who had played very good cricket for 48, was stumped off Tyler. After a stay at the wicket of an hour and ten minutes Gregory was next in, and at lunch time the total was 134 for live wickets.

On resuming, the first ball sent down by Tyler saw Graham caught at the wicket. At 143 Gregory ran out to the slows, missed, and was bowled whilst, with five added, M'Leod also succumbed to the Somerset man. At 160 a slow, dropping ball from the same end upset Tremble's wicket but on Blackham, the last man, joining Turner some lively hitting was seen. Off the first ball he received Blackham was appealed against for l.b.w., and when he had made 15 the Australian skipper was accorded a life by Sherwin. Lockwood, in the long field, also missed Turner, and aided by these mistakes the batsmen contributed 29 ere Turner was caught at the wicket.

Blackham carried out his bat for 23. The Players commenced batting at four o'clock, but from the outset the attack of Trumble and M'Leod proved too strong for them, and in the short space of an hour and forty minutes they were all out for the paltry total of 89. Only five of the side reached double figures, and Chatterton's 18. for which he was batting nearly an hour, was the highest individual contribution made. Chatterton opened by scoring seven, including a fine off-drive for four, in the first over, but the total amounted only to 8 when Gunn, undoubtedly the best bat on the side, the man with an average of 53 for eighteen innings, was bowled for a single.

Such a contretemps conjured up visions of Gunn's last appearance for the Players against the Australians at Lord's. That was in June, 1890, when the Notts man contributed 228, which stands as the best individual score ever made against a Colonial team in this country. Bean was bowled by Trumble at 16, and Barnes was leg-before-wicket to M'Leod a run later. Flowers, Lockwood, Attewell, and Richardson (who was missed at mid-off by Bannerman when he had scored a single, and might have been run out off the same ball) hit pluckily, but by twenty minutes to six the whole side were out. Trumble accounted for seven of the wickets, at an average cost of a fraction over four runs apiece.

Following on, in a minority of exactly 100 runs, the Players did vastly better, Albert Chatterton and Gunn exhibited the utmost caution. Gunn did not play particularly well, and was several times beaten by M'Leod. Turner was tried in place of Trumble, but 33 runs accrued in half an hour without a wicket falling, and stumps were then drawn for the day. Score at present British Fusds. Saturday-1 To-day.

Business Done a stata. 3 yrs a 8 5 Queen's Brook. Svrs Alms, aged a 8 10 Potsdam, 3 a 8 11 Dartmoor. 4y a 8 9 Vestalia. 3 iicoiugicui Exhibition lor Junior is awnraea 10 Harries; tike Dcaltry Prize for Junior Sophs A.

Y. G. Campbell and the Crn-ek Testament Prizes to Conybearo and M. Y. M'Leun.

The Dealtry Prize for Freshmen is not adjudged. Tin-Greek Testament Prizes for Freshmen are awarded to (J. A. Campbell, Mumby, Ryder. At Jesus College extra rewards oi' 10.

have been gained by Levine, Waller, Child, Burgess, Coates. Phillips, Alttmsen, Duckworth, Carpnmel, Middleditfli, Connlaiul, aud Slator. Hustat Gratuities to Craven. Ward, Hdbson, and'DaVUl. English Declaration Prize Dobrec.

Scholarships awarded or continued: Batemun, Foyster (linstat), Carpmael, Hobson (Rustat), Burgess, Ciuveu (Rustat), Billing (Bustat for one term), Pascoc (Rustat and exhibition of Wells, 40. Thorp (Rustat), Lwrauce, Noel Walker, Morrison, Holme, Hinde, exhibition of Middleditch, 40L Greig, 40(. Francis, exhibition of 30. Mills. 40.

Nominated to Kayo Scholarships during residence for two years: Hobson, David, 60L; and Keeling, S0(, At St. John's College the following have been elected to Foundation Scholarships: Third year, Corbett; second year. It. J. Hortou-Sinith and Orton first year, V.

EE. BbtcknuUi, Bromwieh, Cama, Gaskell, and Maclaurin. Tha Scholarships of the following have been continued J. Lupton, M'Biide, K. S.

Luptun, Aickin, Hough. B. Long, Pocklington, W. C. Brown, Chevalier.

Villy, R. T. Smith, D'Souza, M-Dougall, Raw, L. J. A.

Nicklin, Heron, H. P. Jones, E. C. Hudson, Sheepshanks, Hale, Cumuiiiigs, 11.

W. Tate, Hiblert-Vare. Newling, Roreliardt, Mastennan, Werner. Leaf ham, M'Elderry, M'Neile, S. S.

F. Blackmail, J. JL Hardwieh, Smallpiece, Chotzuer, Maclachlmi. Proper Sizarships, second year, Webb, Emslie, Thatcher, Hart fust year. Brock, Jtt Kee, Moore, West.

Choral St udentships" Thatcher. Retssiiiaii. Reading Prizes Edmunds and A. J. Tait (equal).

Wright's Prizes Third year, R. S. Franks, Sheepshanks second vear, Leutliarn, M'IClderrv. Orton tii-st year. Broin-Wioh, Hanivvicfl.

M'Kee, West. "Hughes Prizes Sale and L. Horton-Smith (equal). Mastennan. Hughes Exhibition for Church History Earte.

Elected to Exhibitions Brock, Byles, Carter, Imunds, Hart, Hay, A. K. R. Hutton. H.

E. Long, M'Kee, Moore, Powell, Purvis, Schroder, Webb, West, Yusuf AH. Elected to Hutchinson Studentship F. F. Blockman.

Indian Civil Service Prize Russell. At Christ's College, the following have been elected to Scholarships: Third year G. T. Man ley, 100. a year instead oi 90., for "Mathematics; R.

Mathias, 30L a year for Natural Science. Second year C. E. Lambert, 60. a year instead of 50.

for Classics A. E. Measures, 502. a year lor Classics (le-eleeted) A. B.

Browne, 50. a for Mathematics (re-elected); R. R. Howlett, 50. a year for Classics (re-elected) J.

A. F. Gregg, 50. a year for Classics (re-elected) A. W.

Rogers, 60. a year for Natural Science (re-elected); E. 15. H. PantOU, 50.

a vear instead of 40. for Natural Science; A. E. Jeaffreson, 30Z. a year for Natural Science (re-elected).

First year E. J. Robson, 60. a year for Classics G. Kerr.

50. vear for Natural Science W. F. Bentinek-Smit h. 50.

for Medieval and Modern Lmguages. Entrance scholars J. K. Coltr-hurst, 50Z. a year for Mathemat and Classics G.

Varlev, 50. a vear for Mathematics W. R. 40. a year for P.

Bartley, 30. a year for Mathematics and W. T. Mullings, 30. a year for Mathematics.

The prize for Latin Verse Composition has been awarded to E. J. Hobson. At Clare College, the following have been elected to Scholarships E. H.

Rhodes, 65. L. H. Gaunt. C.

N. Pares, G. II. A. Wilson, A.

Young, 60. W. G. Adams, 40. F.

J. Garton. F. C. Shrubsall, E.

N. Cnimiiigtiam-Craig, 50. C. P. S.

Selloo. Dr. Green's Cups for commencing Bachelors have been awarded for regularity oi cnnducT to M. Cluuhi'ick, B.A. lor general learning to J.

V. V. Durell, B.A. At Trinity Hall, the following undergraduates have lieen elected to Scholarships. C.

O. Be van. If. Prince. B.

H. Smith, 30. J. H. N.

Armstrong. 30. K. A. Thomas, J.

O. Feetham, A. Walker, 211. J. C.

F. Wituber-ley, 21'. The tenure of the Scholarship of HJTi for Natural Science, held by A. F. Shoyer.

is prolonged. At Gonville and Caius College, the following awards have been made Scholarships prolonged T. M. Taylor, 100. W.

Myers, M. S. Swatman, C. II. Ilott.

60. A. 1. Permit, 50. A.

Brooks, 40. Scholarships increased: C. S-Myers, 50. W. L.

Thomson. J. Jacob. S. A.

Cook, 70'. Electetl Scholars: T. W. K. Clarke.

J. A. Cassin, H. G. Woollev.

50. J. H. Wright, 40. A.

J. P. Warlow, 40. F. F.

Jeffries, 60. H. S. Wvatt, 40. W.

II. Brooks, B. Walder. 40. The Frank Smart Studentship In.

Botany is awarded to F. W. Keeble. Elected to Exhibitions. T.

i House, 20. J. A. Wilkinson, 30. T.

K. Ingoldby, 20. J. S. Gardiner.

30. E. A. Wilson. 20'.

H. P. Duval, 30. G. A.

Richardson, 30. E. Batchelor, 30'. The Frank Smart Prize for Botany is awarded to C. S.

Myers and L. J. Paton, who are declared e(ual in merit. The SchuMham, Plate for commencing bachelors is awarded to G. M.Buck.

a 8 11 Khartoum. 3 a8 7 4- 35 The Stewards' Plate. One mile, strai-jht. 99li9i919ii 99, 99, 99, 99, Two-and -Three-) Qr. per CVnts.

9333 xi until 1903 i Do. July Acc nt. Do.Hedee:n.l905 100 lOlxd Local Loans Stock 103J 104ixd Kyptian3p.c. 103 104 Baiik 332 345 India 3A p.c. Stock 103i lOSJxd Tin.

3 Stock. 981 S9xd, 97 i 1 332 3 i 3 109 luaj i 1 i i 93 H4 Sj thatmtiMz Government Sec-Cities. Cape (1917-23) 9 0 Self Sacrifice, 8 5 Cardsharper. 7 10 East Linton, 3 yrs 4 yrs 4 yrs a 8 10 IndianChief, 8 4 Pergamos. 3y 7 7 Bolnm.

5 yrs 4yra 8 2 Dendoseope, 7 5 Riplington.4 8 7 Malchus.3ys 3 yrs 7 2 Irish Mail. 3 a 8 7 Earl of An- a 7 12 Mr. M'Greg- 6 12 Small Pearl, nandale.4y or. 6 yrs 4 yrs 8 5 Mutual Con- 7 10 Dryad XL, a 8 7 Antipyrine, 3 sent, 6 yrs The Arcot Plate not fill. NEWCASTLE.

Monday Night. Latest Seratchings. Seaton Delaval Plate. Singer.AcqnittaL The following horses have arrived Ada. Basildon, Bithyanian, Biddy Fowler, Betsy Shannon, Canning, Crab Apple, Chittapet.

Chin Chin. Dartmoor. Dark Beauty, Dare Devil. Earl of Annandale, Ebor. Eileen Hoidlieaeh, Furze Bush, Golden Arrow, Harbinger.

Hazeldine, Hide, Indian Chief, Jam Satis. Jocularity, Jesmond, Juiry. King Charles. Kg, id. Khartoum, Lord Lieutenant, Lothiansdale.

Lady Wiinam. Mischief filly. Milium, Margregor. Mr. Mncgregor.

Njrmph, Novice, Napoleon LTL, Newfoundland. Ormac. Oakmere, Pimento. Pumpernickel filly, Peton, Potsdam, Present Alms, Queen's Brook. Son of a Gun.

Sweden.Stalactite, Strata, Stockholm. Upsilon, Vestalia. Xylophone. rose 1, to 108 liO New South "Wales (1903-10) 1, to 102 104 and Tasmanian Four per Cents. (1908-20) 1, to 98 101.

Colonial Government iKscnrnED Stocks. Cape Three-and-a-Half per Cents, and Victoria Pour per Cents. 1831 and 1885 rose i. Canals and Docks East and West India Dock Four per Cent. Debentures rose 1, to 102 105 and Suez Canal to 106i 107i.

Commercial and Industrial. India Rubber, Gutta Percha fell to 22 Rudge Cycle to 4 Assam Railway Preference to 13 14; J. C. and J. Field Ordinary to 7 8 Dorman, Long, and Co.

to 3 3: and Hammond Co. Preference ft, to 51 -while New Tamarugal Nitrate Debentures rose 1, to 68 72 Brunner, Mond, and Co. Preference to 16j 174 Coats Preference to 141 Ml and Ham" mond Co. Ordinary 4, to 2 2i. Business Done Stocks.

i Saturdav. Jo-day. uusiness JJone. 105J 6i 107 109xd 105 We have received the following telegraphic reports from our Correspondents, dated last night. The barometrical readinas are corrected to sea level, and reduced to Fahr.

-Barometer, 30.07 thermometer, maximum, minimum, S2; wind, weather fine and sunny. Bkp.lix. Barometer, 29.80; thermometer, maximum. 823; minimum. wind.

wet-uorth-we-tt. litcht: wat her fine. Barometer. 30.03; thermometer, maximum, 83J; minimum.

wind, north, strong: weather fine. Bomk. Thermometer. maximum, 35; minimum, 59; wind west, lisht weather sunshine. DOVER.

Barometer. 29.C3. falling thermometer, maximum. minimum. 63; wiurt.

easterly, light, dunnsr th day. calm at night; sea in Channel smooth; weather hright and sunny forenoon and afternoon, slight shower at 9.50 p.m. with lightninc. overcast at night: steamers had smooth passages across Channel. Folkestoxk.

Barometer, 30.00, falling; wind, north-east, lijrht; weather tine: smooth pasae across Channel. Holyhead. Barometer. 30.00. falling thermometer, maximum, minimum.

wind, north-past, light bree.e smooth sea in Channel; weather thick fog during the day, clear sky at ninht: tine pasae across Channel. Torquay. Barometer, 29.91, falling; thermometer, maximum, 79s; minimum, 53; wind, south, light; weather sunshine throughout the greater part of day, sky clouded in the evening sea in Channel calm. Armstrong, Mitchell, and Co WINDSOR MEETING. Programme for This Dat.

Lister and Co. os wsi Mason and Mason. 3 New Tamarugal Nitrate 107 109xd 94A 95ixd 9H 2 15 The Royal Plate. Five furlongs. 8 13 Blackwater 8 11 Probationer a 8 13 Antiauc 108 110 109 110 lOli lOUxd 1014 102 IV6 Cassell and IS 13-16 Coats 142 Ditto 14 Dalgety and Co.

4 p.c. 984 Electric Construction, 2 1-16 3-16 4 Gordon Hotels. 153 3 Hammond 24 2 Hunter. Wiltshire, and 113 115 Pears (A. and F.l 68 Price's Patent Candle, 24 Rio de Janeiro Improvements.

5 p.c. Deb. June), 80 Rudge Cycle, 44 Salt Union 10 1-1S Spiers and Pond, 162 Ititin Vina. 121 Canada p.c. Stock Do.

4 p.c. Red. Do. 3i p.c. Stock Do.

flp.c. Loan for 4.000,0001. Ditto 3 p.c Cape 4 p.c.(18S3)... Do. 4 p.c.

Ditto 3J p.c Ceylon 4 p.c Jamaica 4 p.c Natal 4 p.c. (1937) Ditto p.c NewS.1Vales4p.c. Do. Zi p.c Do. 0918) New Zealand 4 p.c.

Do. 3i p.c Queensland 4 p.c. Do. 34 p.c South Australia I 4 p.c. (1882-7) 8 13 Rockroyal 8 13 Break of Day 8 13 Ilium 8 13 Kenmare 8 13 Ovis 8 13 by SterlingCherry Dnchess 8 13 Baron Hirsch 8 13 Malesherbes lu Redbreast 8 10 Hesba 8 10 by Gordon OurBessie 8 10 by Ptolemy Rose of 8 10 Missing Link 8 10 Confessant a 8 10 Grania 8 13 Rivalry 8 13 Uerevrard (late Garth II.) 8 13 Alabazan 8 13 Minto 8 13 Ingebrist 8 13 Wit 8 13 Phiz 8 13 JoyousJesuit 1034 1081 5J 5 3 107 108 105 94 94 Welford and Sons.

13 Lister and 6 11-16 94 i i Si 94i 3i 109 105 97 106 944 944 1051 95i 1004 874 104 8 13 Hiawatha 15 Kattie 105 4j 4 5 100 994 I 94i 86 87 6J 74 7 The following additional Continental reports, dated 9.30 yesterday morning, have been received Bapkn-Baden. Fine, some clouds temperature, 60. Boulogne. Clear and fine; temperature, 70. BRl'SSELS.

Warm sunshine; temperature. 66. Calais. Lovely morning temperature. 66.

Cannks. Fine; temDerature. 71 J. DlEPPK. Clear sky: temperature.

71. Marseilles Sunshine temperature, 70. OsTEXl. Blue sky temperature. M3.

ltOt'EN. Fine, clouds temperature, 73. 103 Business at the current quotation is only for iai mediate shipment. It is anticipated that 2 4ii A Two-yb-Old Selling Plate. Five furlongs.

8 12 Denver 8 12 Geoffrey 8 9 Olga 8 12 Street Singer 8 9 Psalmody 8 9 by Tertius 8 12 Page Boy 8 9 Gilt Edged Symme- a812C by Caeru- 8 9 Light and Joy try lens Ste- 8 9 Rosette II. 8 8 Judy (late fanette 8 9 Lady Aldyth Jacqueline) a 8 12 Curlycrnft 8 9 Hesba a 8 9 Bight Dowu 3 25 The Eton Handicap. One mile and a half. DO. Ok p.C 934 93J on Qlv.l 904- Ta-inan an 34 lCOi lOlxdlOOJ 1011 Victon'a4 P.C..1S81 01i 100 nninx 102 lOOj 88j 4 7J 8i 8 jlOOJ lOlxdlOOJ 1011 Do.

34 p.c S7i SSixdj West. Australia 100 ,01 a 6 8 Nitrate 6 7 Will o' the Wisp, 3 yrs 9 3 Paddy. 4 yrs 7 3 Gymnast. 4 a 8 10 Barmecide, a 7 2 Braggadocio, 8 5 Penelope, 5 4 yrs a 8 1 Mervyn. a 13 Antony.

5 yrs 7 13 Oregon. 5 yrs a 6 13 Duk-h Slider. 7 9 Vanguard. 4 3 vrs 1003 1 THE MAILS. Foreign and Colonial Corporation Stocks.

Parana isix per Cent. Loan rose 2, to 35 39 and Melbourne Four per Cent. Debentures 1, to 92 94. Financial, Land, and Investment. Irish Light Rails fell 1, to 105 107 and London and New York Investment to 5 5.

Australian Mortgage Four per Cent. Debentures rose 1, to 101 103 Buenos Ayres Harbour Works Trust 2, to 71 74 and Exploring Company to 6 6. Financial Trust. Foreign and Colonial Investment Preferred rose 2, to 120 125 and Indian and General Investment Debentures 1, to 107 109. Gas and Electric British Gas Light rose to 43 44.

Insurance. Marine rose to 32 33. Ibo.v, Coal, and Steel. Bolckow, Vaughan, and Co. (201.

paid rose to 10i 10J and Ditto (12f.paid) to 5 54. while Otis Steel Ordinary fell to 1. Mines. African Gold: Meyer and Charlton rose 3-16 and Geldenhuis, Kimberley Roodepoort, Reitfontein, and Robinson 1-16; while Main Reef, United Roodepoort, and Stanhope fell and Bechuanaland, Croesus, and Wemmer, 1-16. Copper and Others: Rio Tinto rose 5-16 while Jagersfontein 3 44 Sunsets 818 Age of the Moon at 6 days 6 hours.

METEOROLOGICAL READINGS. (Takkx daily at 7.0 p.m.! "Thk Stant)ard" Office, June 20. Five furlongs. 3 55 The Shorts Selling Plate a Lucrl! um. 4 yrs I a The Chirl.

3 vrs a Scourge 2 yrs a Chicken a The Captain, 3 yr a Character, 2 yrs British Railway Ordinary Stocks. Brighton Deferred fell la; South-Eastern Deferred, Ditto Ordmarv.T Chatham Preference, jc Ditto Ordinary, Great Northern Preferred, Ditto Deferred, Great Eastern, 3 Metropolitan District, North British Deferred, North-Eastern, and Sheffield Deferred, i Great Western, Midland, and North-Westem, i and Khymney 3, to 217 222. South-Western Ordinary rose 1 and Ditto Deferred, During the past 24 hours. Barometer a Castelar, 6 yrs I a Navidale, 3 yrs a Merry Pet, 2 yrs 4 50 The Thames Handicap Plate. Five furlongs.

a 9 0 a 7 11 Jessamy. 5 a 7 5 Mill-cog. 3 8 8 Qnebet-, 6 yrs a 8 0 5i) Primrose a 7 2 Toreador, 4 a 8 8 Bnnjralow, a Knightly a 7 1 Vetch, 3 yrs 8 7 Ctrius. 4 yrs 7 8 Landwad 1 Miss Gnnn- 8 4 Gloamin, a Lass. 3 yrs inc.

3 vrs reduced to Direction of Wind. Sea Level and 32- F. stocks. I aaruraav. j.u-uy.

i jjusuicm 7 13 Hatfield. 4 I 7 5 I a Whit 5 0 The Rothschild Plate. One mile. 1 mi il 1 .2 I a a J3 I 121 79 54 130 82 53 127 84 61 124 85 57 125 89 62 123 85 61 129 83 53 1574 1574 fell and Chartered 6d. The closing prices were Brighton 163 Do.

Deterred I158J Caledonian in 1585 941 8i 4 i 11741 9 10 Henry I 5yrs 9 10 JohnMorgan 9 10 Bumptious. 5 I 8 7 Morelle. 3vrs 9 8 Magellan. 4y 8 7 Victor WUd, 8 7 Man of Ross, I 3 yrs 3 vrs I 8 0 Pleuron. 3v SOUTH AFRICAN GOLn.

343 341 Mainreef United, 2 1-16 2 3-16 Aurora. 14 byrs ENE ENE NNW 29.94 29.84 30.04 30.18 30.28 30.27 29.37 June 13 14' 15: 16; 17' 18: 19. 173 169j 118 35 164 1073 821 1154 155 155 107i 1 107i 151 107j 82 115 824 1063 81J 1114 I 59 i 823 41 a 4 ,11441 59i 60 i 593 60 1144 Bantjes. 13s. 14s.

Bechuaaaland, 1 3-1514 Chimes, 2 S-162 11-16 li 124 Con. Gold Fields. 2 5-16 21 Cruesus. 14 IS Crown Reer. 71 74 xd Dro'n-K'dep'rt, 4 15-16 5 1-16 60.

60 604 16U 11604 1614 1613 1 4 i 1161 ine T. LEONARDS bELLINO fLATE Old not till. WINDSOR, Moxday Night. The following horses have rrrived Antique, Barmecide, Bungalow. Character, Chiel, Curlycraft, Chicken Hazard, Castelar, Captain, Dutch Slider, Day Dream, Grania.

Jessamy, Lncellum, Merryn, Merry Pet, Mill-cog, Navidaie, Nitrate Prince, Primrose Knight. Right Down, Scourge Stefanette colt. Torreador, Vetch, Whiteskin. Many others expected in the morning. LATEST SCRATCHLNGS.

Rothschild Plate. Conacher. Clewer Handicap. Kaboonga. The following dials show at a glance the exact position of the barometer at 2.0 a.m.

this morning, aud at the same hour on the two preceding mornings May 12s. 12s. tkl. Meyer iCliarlton. 61 64 Moss Rose, 1 9-16 1 11-16 NewAuroraWest.

1 3-1615-16 New Primrose, 44 4J Nigel, 34 3S Oceana, 3 5-16 3 5-16 Randfontein, 3s. 6d. 9s. 6d. Reitfontein, 6 11-16 6 15-16 Robinson, 43 44 Salisbury.

3 34 Sheba, ISs. 19s. Simmer it Jack. 4441 Stanhope, 3 3-16 3 5-16 Mil 108 4 1074 Ferreira, 71 74 I i 303 1034 88i 29 159i Geldenhuis. 44 871 28? I 28j 29 158J 159 Do.

Deferred Chatham Dover Do. Preference Great Eastern Gt.NorthernPref. Do. Def Great Western Hull 4 Lane, and Yorks. Metropolitan Cons MetropolitanDist.

Midland North BritishOrd. Pref Do. Ordinary North-Eastern North Staffordshr. Nort h-Western Sheffield Deferred South-Eastern Do. Deferred South-Western 1534 8i 9 8J 94 158i Glencairn.3Ss.

6d. 37s. Henry Nonrse. 23 24 Heriot (New). 3 1-16 3 3-16 Jubilee.

7i 73 xd Jumpers.Zg 3 1-16 1 3-16 67j 684 -34, 33J 34 United Langlaaete, 1 14 34 Van Rtu. 1 1A H59g 4 831 1594 1 594 1594 127 129 I K.n;ghts, oil. Ss. bd. VillageMainreef.3 11-16 3 15-16 Wemmer.

44 45 Langlaazte. 34 3 171 4 701 1705 ock B. 5s. Wolhuter, 2 9-16 2 11-16 Laaglaagte BI( 6C orcester, if Li Mr. K.

Gregory, 7 fr T.rrns. 85A 5 4J A 3i 304 123 84S OXH EE MlE3. 1714 1703 "I 303 i 30 30j 125 122 124 854 83 83i 191 WO 192 72 711 724 Golden Gate Balnchat. 15s. 6d.l6s.

6d. (California), 190 1 4 903 13 189 5. 6d.4s. fid. Sunday.

Yesterday. To-pay. The Wind at 2.0 o'clock This Morning was Mr. R. W.

M'Leod, Tyler. 7 Mr. C. T. B.

Turner, Sherwin. Tyler 12 Mr. H. Trumble. Tyler 7 Mr.

J. M.Blackham.notout 23 Byes, 11; leg-byes, 4. 15 3 4 1 2 4 3 71 Do. Def. Conv SiUtuld a Mint charge or import duty be levied, that silver "on the water" will at least be exempt from the charge.

Indian transfers again came higher, at Is. 3d. for Bombay and Is. 2 31-32d. for Calcutta.

The Hong-Kong bill iate also rose to 2s. paper was 'mil, and the final price, to! which was about the worst of the day, showed a fall of -h. As was anticipated, the meeting of Argentina Bondholders, held to-day at Cannon-street Hotel, to consider the offer of the Argentine Government and the proposals of Lord Roth-6 LiM's Committee as to the distribution of the funds to be handed over, passed off in a very quiet fashion. Lord Rothschild had little fresh rmatioTj to give to the Bondholders, and the uhle situation has been threshed out so tuinutely of late, that a sense of wearied resignation seemed to pervade the meeting. The bust point in the whole arrangement is that Argentina has come forward and offered to pay per annum in cash for the service of its External Debt during the next five years.

The Republic would probably have kuii unwise in offering more, for it might only haw meant a fresh rearrangement before very But as to the distribution of the funds, tliti is no small discontent among the various classes of Bondholders. The chief bone of con-fcaiffan is the introduction of the Buenos Ayres Waterworks Loan among the External Debts of the Republic, and that, too, under specially-Swi Hired conditions. It may be saic of course, the Waterworks will ultimately bring a profit to the Government, and that the mclnsit of these Bonds among the External uallities is, therefore, in a measure justifiable. 8)3 the profits at present being earned are Known to be small, and in that case it would have been more equitable for the pay- the Waterworks Loan to have been I'THiiirt'd according to some sliding scale. The IB ate "if the Baring guarantees have clearly into strong play throughout the negotia-' and the outcome is that, apart from the funding, and "Waterworks Loans, holders "i Argentine External Stocks are asked to fiat ta what mnst be described as an undidy heavy sacrifice.

Still, as matters stand, in-v seem to be inclined to treat the concessions demanded as a sop to Cerberus, which they are powerless to withhold. The Directors of the City of London Electric (Limited) invite application the remaining 20,000 Preference Shares of each, at a premium of 2. per share. The fist section of the main buildings of the Company's generating station at Bankside is practically completed the second section is being PQofed, and further extensions are in progress. Our Paris Correspondent telegraphs that the Boore to-day was dull, but prices remained without any Biaterial change.

The earnings of the Suez Canal on Saturday and yesterday amounted to Closing prices Business was also done in Caledonian Preferred at Attewell 30 Mr. A. C. Bannerman, Richardson 11 Mr. G.

Giffen. Davidson, Richardson 0 Mr. G. H. S.

Trott, st Sherwin. Tyler 48 Mr. W. Bruce, Davidson. 14 Mr.

H. Graham, Sherwin, bTvler 15 MERCANTILE SHIPPING NEWS. 189 G.Fds.of Hyderabad-Deccan. 44 43 Jagersfontein. 18i? 185 Mvore.

4 7-16 4 9-16 N.E.Bultfontein. 18 1J Nundydroog, 2 24 Oorepum. 415-1651-16 Ditto 5S 5J Palmarejo. 9d. Is.

3d. Rio Tinto. 15 9-16 1511-16 St. John del Rey. 15-161 413-16 British Broken Hill, 5s.

7s. Broken Hill Proprietary, 39-16 3 11-16 Burma Ruby. 5s. 6d. 6s.

6d. Cape Copper. 1 5-16 1 7-16 Champion Reef. 3 1-16 3 3-16 Ch. of S.

Africa, 38s. 6d. 39s. 6d. Day Dawn, 4s.

9ii. 5s. 3d. Day Dawn P.C. 6s.

9d. 7s. 3d. De Beer, 17 15-16 18 1-16 Don Pedro, 13-16 15-16 Elkhorn. 19s.

20s. Frontino. 1 1-15 1 3-16 Golden Feather. 13s. Sd.

14s. 6d. Business Done "Wheal Grenville. 155 Cape Copper. 1 3-16 De Beers 54 p.c.

Bultfontein 101 BETTING IN LONDON Monday. NORTHUMBERLAND PLATE. Bun Wednesday. June 21. Two miles.

2 to lagstKing Charles (t 6 to o) 100 12 Lauriscopeft o) 7 2 Newcourt (t o) 10 1 any other (o) 5 1 Bithynian (t o) ST. LEGER. Bun Wednesday. Sept. 6.

Old St. Leger Course (about 1 mile 6 furlongs 132 yards). 6 to 4 on Isinglass (laid 20 to lagstThe Jew ft o) w) 33 1 Self Sacrifice 100 8 I o) MISCELLANEOUS SCRATCHINGS. Newcastle Handicap. Tran by Croft (by telegram).

Newcastle Engagements. Empress of Germany, Strathrose St. Jude. Athens Welter (Windsor). Woolwich.

Windsor Engagements. All Mr. C. White's horses Massacre. Clewer Handicap (Windsor).

Hamstring. Robert de Witville Handicap (Sandown Park). Philanthropist. Fine Lady. The Vigil.

Sandown Park Summer Engagements. Florizel II. All Enagagementsin Mr. H. Milner's Name.

AlfierL Sale of Horses. Messrs. Tattersall's Albert-gate establisment was fairly well patronised yesterday, but there did not appear to be much demand for horses. The steeplechasers Baglan, four-yr-old, and Anchor, five-yr-old, were put. np.

but neither changed hands, the former being bought in for 4C0cs. and 230gs was the highest bid for Anchor. The three-yr-old Duke of Berwick, who won at Newmarketand other places last season was knocked down for 30gs. The other lots call for no comments. 83 a East London, 8 Brighton Preterred, 176 South-Western Preferred, 120; Metropolitan Lands, 76s North London, 213 Rhymney, 220 and Taff Vale.

83i: 4 3 i- British Railway Debentures. Sheffield Four and-a-Half per Cents, rose 1, to 149 151 and North British Three per Cents. 1, to 101 103. British Railway Preference. Metropolitan Four per Cent.

Perpetual Preference rose 1, to 130 132. American Kailkoap Shares. Lake Shore rose Pennsylvania, Illinois, i and Atchison and Erie Ordinary while Cnion Pacific eWi; and Missouri and Texas, Norfolk and Western Preference, and "VI, ro i fi "PraftrATlp Je Players. Chatterton. and Trumble 18 not out Gunn, Trumble I not out.

Bean, Trumble 5 Barnes, lbw. M'Leod 0 Flowers, Trumble 13 Lockwood. and Trumble IS Attewell, M'Leod 13 Davidson, not out Riehardson. ami Trumble 15 Tyler, Gregory, Trumble 0 Sherwin, M'Leod 4 Jlysore. 44 Rio Tinto 1st 103 St.

John del 1 Telegraphs and Telephones. Direct United States rose to 11 12s while Reuter's fell to 5 6. stocks. I To-day. Business Done.

Toiay. Business Done: Bowling Analysis. Australians. First Innings. M.

R. W. O. National Telephone. 5 5-16 West India and Panama 2d 94 Anglo-American S44 1 51 Direct United States.

11 13-16 12 11 15-16 Eastern Extension. 15 2 13-16 8 27 8.. 72. .2 Davidson M. R.

W. 3.. 14.. 1 6.. 33.

.6 ...17.3. Attewell 12 2.. 39. .1 Tyler 25i 5 4 5 71a 3 50 14 1 503 96i I i i i 70 A 1 69J i Lockwood 5 16. .0 1 Players.

first Innings. Trumble 21 ..11.. 20.4.. 5.. 1074 (From Lloyd's ACCRA.

June 19. Gaboon has left for Liverpool. ADEN, June 19 Buudearath, for Zanzibar and Port NataL and Massilia. for Bombay and Sydney, have arrived. ALBANY.

June 17. Austral left at l.Q p.m. fur London. AUCKLAND. June 17.

Mariposa leftnt 2.0 p.m. BALTIMORE. June 17. Jamaica lias left fur Liverpool. BARBAKOES, Juno 17.

Ksseuuibo, from has arrived. Medway left at 5.0 p.m. for Plymouth. June 19. Don.

from Southampton, arrived at 8.0 a.m. BOMBAY, June 17. Siam h3s arrived. June 13. Brankom Hall, from Liverpool, has arrived.

BREMERHAVEN, June 19. Karlsruhe, from Sydney, has arrived. BRINBISX June 19. Oceana left at G.30 a.m. for Sydney.

BROWHEAD, June 19. Bothnia, for Liverpool, passed at 8.0 a.m. BUENOS AYRES. June 16. Florence has arrived.

Jun 17. Lucerne, from the Clyde, has arrived. CALCUTTA, June 18. Asaaye has left for London and Liverpool. CAPE TOWN, June 18.

Warwick Castle, from England arrived at 10.0 a.m. June IS. Rirautaka has left for New Zealand. COLOMBO, June 17. Nubia has left for London.

June for Australia, and Malwa, for Shanghai, have left. CORRAL, June 15. Bellanoeh, from Hamburg, has arrived. CUXHAVEN. June 16.

Rhaetia 1ms left for New York. June 19. Markomanuia. from St. Thomas, has arrived.

Moravia, from New York, has arrived. DARTMOUTH. June 19. Antilles iias left for Demerara. FLAG OA BAY.

June 17. Clan Cameron has left forGalle. DOVER. June 19. Polynesia, for Hamburg, and Kaiser Wit-helm for Bremen, have passed.

DUNKIRK, June 19. Arab, from Bombay, has arrived. EIDE. June 19. Garonne, for Lav.

arrived at 9.0 a.m. FATHER POINT, June 19L Bosarian, for Montreal, has passed. FERNANDO DE NOVONHA, June for Southampton, has passed. GALLE, June 17. Clan Maeintvre has left for London.

GIBRALTAR. June 18. Elv-ia has left fur New York. GRAND CANARY. June 17.

Oil Rivers, for Portland and Liverpool, and Lualaba. for Antwerp, have left. June 19. Monrovia has left fur Ham'jurir. GRAVESEND, June 19.

Clan Maedonnld and Cheshire, for the docks, have passed. Slavonia, from Montreal, lias passed. Aberdeen has left lor Sydney. GREENOCK. June 17.

Cbrenu. for Philadelphia, and Scindia, for Bombay, have left. June 18. State of California, from New York, has arrived. HALIFAX.

June 17. Assyrtan, for Philadelphia, has arrived. HONG-KONG, June 18. Gwalior. from Bombay, has arrived.

LAS PALMAS. June Gulf of Taranto has left. Eellova, fur Leixoes and Liverpool. andBelUigto, for LiverpooL have left. LEITH.

June 18. Maryland, from Baltimore and London, has arrived. LISBON, June 19. Trent left at 5.0 p.m. for Brazil and the River Plate.

Tagus left at 2.0 p.m. for Viga and Southampton. LIVERPOOL. June 18. Georgian, from Boston; Boma, from Africa; and Lake Huron, from Montreal, have arrived.

Bostoniau has left for Boston. June la. Ohio, from Philadelphia: and Niger, from Africa, have arrived. Euclid, from Parahyba, has arrived. Mauitoban, for the Clyde, has arrived.

LIZARD, June 19. Gasbrook. for Hamburg, passed at 12.5(3 p.m. Draco, for Hull, has passed. Persian Monareh.for Lon-' don, has passed.

Maasd.irn. for Rotter lain, passed at 8.0p.m. MADEIRA, June VI. Coleridge, for Brazil, has left. MADRAS.

June 17. Golconda, for Calcutta, has arrived. June IS. Mutt ra. for London, has left.

MALTA. June 19. Bungaree. for Loudon, has passed. MARSEILLES.

June 17. Persia has left for Liverpool. MARTIN RIVER, June 19. Buenos Ayrean, for Montreal, ha passed. MELBOURNE, June 19 Gulf of Annul bas arrived.

NEW ORLEANS, June 17. Delani ore, from Brazil, has arrived. NEW YORK, Juno 17. Olbers. from Brazil, has arrived.

Ethiopia has left for Ulasijow. Richmond Hill has left fol London. Britannia has left for Liverpool. June 13. Russia, from Hamburg, has arrived.

Trave. from Bremen, has arrived. NORFOLK. June 13. M'Garel has left for Loudon.

NORTH FORELAND. June 18. Bombay, for Shanghai Autilles, for Demerara; Merrimae. for Philadelphia; and Enskar, for Philadelphia, have passed. OITAVOS, June 17.

Prinses Aiaalia, for Amsterdam, has passed. PARA, June 17. Lanfranc, for Liverpool, has left. June 18. Justin, from Liverpool.

Hamburg, and Lisbon, has arrived. PEN IOHE. June 18. Carlo Pocrio.for London, has passed. PENSACOLA, June 17.

Louisinnian, from Liverpool, has arrived. PERI M. June 18. Rnfford Hall, for UverpboL baa called. Methley Hall, for Genua, has passed.

for Calcutta, litis passed. PH ILADEL PI 1 1 A June 19. New York City, from Barbadoes, hai arrived. British Princess arrived hi a.m. PLYMOUTH.

June 19. Kaikonra left for Loudon at 1.30 p.m. Yaletla left at 12.45 p.m. for London. PORTLAND.

June 19. Galileo has left for New York. PRAWLE POINT. June 18 Zaandam. for, Amsterdam, aud Moutevidean, for Montreal, have passed, fur Loudon, has passed.

QUEBEC. June 18. Labrador has left for Liverpool. Samia, from Liverpool, bas arrived in the St Lawrence Mongolian, has left for Liverpool. June 19.

Piekhuben, from Hamburg, and Meninon, from Swansea, have arrived. QUEENSTOWN. June 19. Bothnia ha- left for Liverpool. RANGOON.

June 15. Shropshire has left fur Culombo, Marseille-. London, an 1 Liverpool. RIO JANEIRO. June 18.

Ionic, for London, has left. SAGRES, June 17. Ardjoeno, for Batavia, has passed. June 18 Formosa, for London, has passed. Clan Mcintosh, for Loudon, has passed.

Fulda. for Genoa, has passed. Clan McClean, for Amsterdam, passed at 7.0 p.m. June 19. Oro-tava.

for London, passed at 4.0 a.m. St'ILLY. June IS. Ems, for New York, bas passed. SETEBONDO, June 17.

Gulf of Bothnia, from Samarang, has arrived. SOUTHAMPTON, June has loft for Bremen. June 19. Berlin, from New York, has arrived, ST. VINCENT.

June 17. Arancmua ha- lefi for Liverpool SUEZ CANaL. June left Port Said at uJo p.m. for Zun.ibar. Madagascar.

Reunion, and Mauritius. June 19 Senator, for Calcutta, has arrived at Port Said, city of London, for London, has left Port Said. Sindh, lor Marseil'es has arrived at Suez. Aston Hall, from Bombay, has arrived' at Port Said. USHANT, June 19.

Ville de Rosario, from Havre, has passed. YOKOHAMA. June from China, has arrived. June 19. Empress of India, for Hpne-Kpag, lias arrived.

CYCLING RECORDS. C. Sanger, the American, accomplished some wonderful pertni inancea at Herne-hill last evenitur He hrst went for his own record of 23 madein the ttngUSh Mile Championship last Saturdav for a quarter ot a mite th a flying start. He succeeded in doing it last 27 4-0ec, which is a world's record. His 24 245 243 25 27 271 714 7U 143 03 51 96 964 964 96J 1264 1274 127 128 695 70 12 124 124 123 106jlP74rt 183 185 183 19 154 153 264 25A 254 25g 364 36g 36 364 164 17 52i 524 528 52? S3 81 30j 303 304 304 84 9 is Atchison Central Pacific Chic.Mil.AS.Paul.

Denver H-Grtul. Do. Illinois Central Lake Shore Louisville A Nash. Missouri A Texas New York N. York A L.

Erie. Do. N. Y. and Ontario Norf.AWest.Pref.

Nor. Pacific Missi. Crts. Pennsyta. Shares.

Phil, and Reading Union Pacific Wabash Ord 19 lSfi It Tramways and Omnlbcs. Tramways Union Four-and-a-Half Debentures rose 1, to 102 105; North Metropolitan to 11 12 and Tramways Company of Germany to 11 114. while London General Omnibus fell 3, to 117 122. Waterworks. Kent Ordinary rose 2, to 280 285.

According to Reuter's telegrams, at Vienna there was no feature of interest to report on to-day's Stock Market. Home Funds remained unaltered. Lombards gained lfl. Credit Anstalt remained unchanged. Exchanges were the same as Saturdays.

At Frankfort, Foreign Stocks were quite neglected on to-day's Bourse, but the tone was nominally steady. Greek Monopoly Loan was per cent, lower, and Mexican receded fully 1 per cent. Exchange on London higher, at 20.39. Private discount unchanged, at 3i per cent. 17 523 5 ,84 ft i 3i 18 Do.

Pref. Business was also done Baltimore and Ohio at77i YORKSHIRE v. LANCASHIRE. The danger of prophecy is notoriously great in connection with cricket, and it. would be unwise, therefore, to predict a check to the victorious career of the Yorkshire county team in consequence of what yesterday occurred on the Headingley Club ground at Leeds.

Nevertheless Lancashire had all the best of the Rame, as after getting rid of their rivals for 107 tliev exceeded that number by 21 for the loss of only six wickets. It is, to say the least, somewhat remarkable that Lancashire, who until Saturday last had not won a match, should be. the team to press the unbeaten Yorkshiremen so close. The weather was beautifully fine, and there was little fault to find with the wicket, whilst about fifteen thousand spectators witnessed the game. The home team was identical with that which so decisively defeated Somerset, but the Lancastrians made one alteration from the eleven which scored over Notts L.

M. Crosfield replacing A. N. Hornby. Yorkshire won the toss, and batted first.

Their inirngs was of a rather peculiar character, for, whilst Sellers and Wardall scored 52 for the first wicket and the second man left at 80, the whole side were out shortly after lunch for 107. Mold bowled with remarkable effect, taking six wicket for 40 runs. Lancashire did not start any too well, as Ward was bowled bv Wainwright at 25, and a run later Sugg left. Smith and Baker, however, rendered capital assistance to M'Laren, who batted well after nearly playing on when he had made a single. The young amateur's 54 was the highest score of the day, and included a five, five fours, two threes, and six twos.

Baker was lucky, as Hirst missed him when he had only made a couple. "Heavy rain stopped play five minutes before the usual time, when the score was as follows Satin ay 1 Saturday.To.daT. North Pennsylvania, 79; and Pittsburg and Fort Wayne, 154. American Railroad Bonds. Reading Second and Third Incomes fell i and Atchison Second Mortgage A and Wabash Debentures, while Reading First Income rose f.

EnpCon.2?p.c S9 E0 stocks. Saturdav. To-day. 1 Business Done. Prpet.

3 p.c. S7 70 S7 75 IV. S7 75 S7 82A 106 15 106 10 Do. 106 20 106 50 2650 00 Vsxpt. Unfid.

101 12 101 45 Turkish 4 p.c 23 I2J 22 20 tiomanB'nk 599 37 00 CO Brazlian 4p.r. 63 E5 66 E0 lius-ian 4 p.c 99 80 Do.OrtL5pc79 E9 CO Austnan4p.c. 97 10 97 15 Hungrn.4p.e. 97 05 S7 10 PorlugeJp.c. 22 93 22 S5 67 60 66 55 275 00 273 0J 385 87 394 37 arn oc 474 48 i'Tnhards 226 25 528 8141 1 484 8 75 84 7i 513 2 83 624 4 3 Italian 5 p.e..

53 17. i d.c. "86 343 00 Sol 50 I Roubles 2 66i 2 663 Atchison Gen. Mt. Do.2dMort."A" do.

-B" Denver 1st Mt. Do. Imprvt.Mt. Lo'isvilleA N. 4p.c.

Mex. Central4 p.c. Mex. Nat. A N.Y.4L.Erie2dMt N.Y., and Ohio 1st Mt OregnACal.lstMt Phil.4 Read.4 p.c.

Do. 1st Income Do. 2(1 Iwnm. Brrlin Correspondent telegraphs that the Bourse ned quiet. little business was done.

Shipping baas lost about 1 per but other quotations hardly changed. Private discount 33. Close 804 8l4d 473 484 51 52 86j 874xd 83 85 82 84xd 6I4 624 37 38 944 964 244 243 96 97.xd 69 70 39j 31j 22 23 17 18 91 92 304 303 YORKSniRE. Tr A. SeUers.

Crosfield. lyett. not out 9 (From Lloyd's WRECKS AND CASUALTIES. Inishowen Head (9). from Manila for Liverpool, has arrived at Suez with tailshaft broken divers will be engaged, and vessel surveyed Scott Harley is), of London, from Guernsey, and the (si.

of Brussels, from Terneuze, are reported to have collided in Woolwich Reach on Sunday; extent of damage unknown. A telegram from Kerteh states that the Braeadaile (s) grounded on Askburun Spit, but was assisted off without having sustained any apparent injury, aud sailed for Taganrog, A telegram from Berwick states that the Newent (s previously reported to have grounded, was towed off and docked on Saturday afternoon. A telegram from Bordeaux states the Richelieu (French s) took fire in port: Hire extiaiguished cargo damaged, but to what extent is not known. ARRIVALS. BELFAST.

19 Maple Branch (s), Bombay. CARDIFF. June 17. Maemillan, Tacoma: Heading Wind, St. Vincent.

June 18. Prince Regent, Ship Island. DARTMOUTH. June 19. Georgia (s).

Feruandina. FALMOUTH, June 18 Rosalie, Rio Grande. June 19. Ruth, Parana. GRAVESEND.

June 18. River Derwent (a). Terneuze. June 19. Vestu (s).

Hamburg: City of London Stockholm; Ixion (s), Yokohama; Gilead. Truxillo: Wilton China (s). Boulogne; Corisande (s). Gi-tle; Fearless, Guernsey; Blue Hell (s), Antwerp Winsloe (s), Rotterdam: Bittern (s). Amsterdam.

GREENOCK, June 18. Potomac (s), Alexandria. June 19. Juana Is). Bilbao.

HULL. June 17. Lindisfarne, Tacoma. June 18. Benicia (si.

New York Somerbill (s). Kosario. LIVERPOOL. June 17 Stentor (s), Penang: Westmoreland (s), Hamburg; Gascony (s), Bordeaux; Algerian (s). Alexandria; SandiaW, Glasgow; Wakefield (s), Norfolk: Ptarmigan (s).

Oporto; Winstanley (s), Treport; Jason (s). Danzig; Braganza (s), Mnranham HeracJides (s). Buenos Ayres: Les-seps. Riisoer; Cumpana. Cork.

June 18. Candia (s), Ibniil Toledo (s). Dunkirk; Ter (s). Barcelona; Eliza, St. Valery; Capenhurst, Newcastle.

N.Z. June 19. J. M. Bunck, Rio Grande Niobe (s), Glasgow; Buenaventura (s).

New Orleans Foringur Faroe; British Queen (s Havre; Genoese (s), Palermo: Forest King. Philadelphia. NEWPORT June Bosario. PLYMOUTH, June 17. Ethel, Dragomestre.

June 19. Etolia (s). Itombay. QUEENSTOWN. June 18.

Annie Marshall. Demerara; Melanope, Tacoma. June 19. Garlands (s). Ibrail.

SUNDERUND, June 16. Matilde Mignano. Mobile. SAILINGS. BLYTH, June 17.

Lobelia (s). Bombay. BRISTOL. June 17. Robert Morris.

Newfoundland. CARDIFF. June 17. Thomas S. Stowe.

Santos; Castlefield fa), Cape Verds; Sarah Esdcliffe (s). Hampton Roads Polana (s). Port Limoii; Kathleen. St. Catherine's; Gatton (s).

Port Said. June 18. Solveig, Kio Janeiro. FALMOUTH, June 19. Voorwaarts, Havre; Elizabeth, Greenock.

GOOLE. June 17. The Thoresen. Para Mercurius. Quebec.

GRAVESEND, June 19. Agatha, Bodo; Slavouia (s). Hamburg Helen. Krageroe. June 17.

Bramble (s). Trinidad; Nerano(s), Baltimore: Jarnac (s). Cbarefite: Hestea (s). Montreal: General Oordon (si, Bordeaux; Vortigern (s), Montreal; County (s). Alexandria.

June 18. Gogaburn, Barry. GRIMSBY. June 16. Wynnstay (s).

Rio Janeiro. Ht'LL. June 17. Invergnrry. Buenos Ayres.

LIVERPOOL, June 16. Pera (s). Alexandria Garnock, Dunkirk; Fulmar, Ghent: Emerald. Gibraltar; Kin It o. Rio Janeiro.

June 17. Frutera s). Cardiff: Hart (s), Maryport Hector (si, Java Cumeria (s). Barrow; Elvira (s), Coruuna; Hippomenes (s), Rosario: Leonora (s), Havana: Oporto (s). Lisbon; Drumrock.

San Francisco; Grace, Groiiiugen Reciprocity, Sydnev, C.B. June 18. Blairmount (s), Africa Ousel (s), London; Elena (s Bilbao Rita (s). Porto Rico: Cyclone (s. Hamburg: Glensr hil (s), Dundee; Eankhohne, Melbourne.

MARYPORT. June 18. Rydal Holme (). Montreal. PENARTH, June 16.

Trewellard (s). Port Said. June 17. Hallamshire (s), St. Michael's; Sidney Thomas (s), Buenos PLYMOUTH.

June 17. Bayonne (s). Baltimore; Vidar, Copenhagen. June 19. Etolia (s).

Havre. QUEENSTOWN, June 13. Thistle. Belfast Marion Fraser, Hull. June 19.

Cambrian Prince. Fleetwood. SHIELDS, June 17. Fortuna, Santos. June 18.

Kura (s), Philadelphia. SUNDERLAND. June IS. Mascotte (), Buenos Ayres. SWANSEA.

June 17. Holkar is). Philadelphia. FOREIGN ARRIVALS. ROTTERDAM.

June 18. Helen (s. Baltimore. CUXHAVEN. June 19 Fryd, Rio Grande; Karsten Lon-caard.

Savannah Brilliant s). New York; Louise H. (s). Savannah: Batu Standard Philadelphia. NEW YORK.

June 19. Charlois (s), Antwerp Victoria (s), PHILADELPHIA, June 19 Prudentia (). Tyne Suram (s), Sunderland A-tral (s). Penarth. HAVRE, June 19.

Comet, Savannah la Mar; Vanguard, Lucea. Bonita, Old Harbour, Ja. NEW YORK. June 19. Arabian Prince (s).

Marseilles. MONTE VIDEO. June 16. Elliot. Newport.

SANTOS. June 14 Sindbad. Swansea. COPENHAGEN. June 19.

Caroline, New York; Gunn, and Idag. River Plate. AUCKLAND. June 15. Maori King (s).

London. BKEMERHAVEN, June 19 Girtor (s), Galveston; Glen-morven (). New Orleans. CALCUTTA, June 18. Murex (s).

Batoum. DUNKIRK. June 19. Arab (s), Bombay. MOBILE.

June Recent. Liverpool. FOREIGN SAILINGS. PORT SAID. June 17.

Keemun (s). Chiua and Japan. BOMBAY, June 17. Ramore Head (s), Amsterdam. SUEZ.

June 17. St. Oswald (s), Batavin. TE.VER1FFE. Junel7.

Breckfield (s). Hamburg. NEWCASTLE, N.S.W.. June 16. Loch Boon.

Valparaiso. BAH LA LAN OA, June 19. Donna Julia. Channel. VERA CKEZ, June 17 Vala (s).

United Kingdom or Continent. LAS PALM AS, June 17. Lomas (s). River Plate. BUENOS AYRES.

June 18. Petrarch (s). Havre. CALETA BUENA. June 17.

Jessie Osborne. Hamburg, HANGOON. June of the Dwn. ltry quiet, but pretty nrm.

244 4 314 1 CLEANSING REGENT-STREET. TO THE EDITOR OF THE STANDARD. SlR, We hear a great deal about germs, microbes, and other unpleasantnesses which are carried about in the air, and of the nnhealthiness of wood pavements. Coming down Regent-street this morning at a quarter to ten, I was surprised to see at least four of those rotary street brushes in full swing. This extreme heat makes every one keep his mouth and nostrils open, to take in what little air there is, consequently we are inhaling and swallowing the dust raised by the sweeping machines, this dust being composed of rotten wooden paving combined with the other natural filth to be found in streets.

Abroad they manage things better, and with more concern for the health of the people. Why, in Summer time, should not the streets be properly brushed, cleaned, and well watered before six o'clock in the morning, a second watering being applied between half-past eight and half-past nine a.m. Surely the Vestries are supposed to do their utmost for the good health of the parishes, but, by the senseless arrangement I am complaining of, the Vestry in question would seem to be trying to help the spread of sickness and disease. I am, Sir, your obedient servant, R. O.

W. June 19. Saturday P.nss.4p.cCn.'89 100.10 I07.i0 iiYi7f innfio 100.60 Mounsey, M'Laren, Mold 0 Hirst, Mold 0 Hunter, Mold 0 Byes, leg-byes, 2 9 107 31 214 164 32 224 174 panisnip.c.ljn. Briggs 37 Wardall Mold 14 Tunnicliffe.e.Mold.bBriggs 24 Brown, A. Smith, Briggs 0 Peel, Tiusley, Mold 9 Wainwright, Oakley, Briggs 4 Moorhouse, Mold 1 66.10 66.10 Turkili lp.cLn.

Do. 3d Income St. Paul, A 8F.70 1C7.40 85.7a 107.50 86.8C 41.S0 Man. 4 p.c Wabash 92 13 30j 30 304 XPadMt.Cp.e. 507.80 107.30 Ixindon 8 ds 20.331 20.384 Ditto 3 mos 20.31" KUT New York 418.50 418.50 Pari8d 81.00 81.00 Rouble Notes 215.80 216.10 4 p.c.

5 r-c Iji. 47.40 5 n.c 92.00 47.50 91.80 72.3 THE HEALTH OF WORTHING. TO THE EDITOR OF THE STANDARD. Sir, An epidemic in one of the health resorts of the Kingdom naturally excites attention, and is a matter of moment to a large number of persons we feel, therefore, that it is proper that some information should be afforded as to the outbreak of enteric fever which has recently occurred in this borough. We may premise by stating that during the whole of the past Winter, and np to the latter end of April, the health of the district was very good, and the death-rate a low one.

In March last, to meet the growing requirements of the borough, the Council decided to take steps to obtain an increased supply of water, which is procured from the chalk, and to that end a tunnel was driven from the bottom of a shaft seventy-five feet below the surface of the ground. The men employed to excavate the chalk during the day-time were replaced by bricksetters at night. On the 14th April a fissure was laid open, and so large a supply of water resulted that the works were compulsorily brought to an end. It subsequently became known that during the progress of the works some of the day workmen had made observations as to the acts of those who were employed at night in the tunnel these were described in the Lancet of Friday, June 9. At the end of April and beginning of May several cases of enteric fever were reported to the Medical Officer, whose inquiries led him to the conclusion that some contamination of the water had taken place, and that they were due to this cause; subsequent information and an analysis of the water conclusively established the correctness of his opinion.

The epidemic reached its highest point on the 15th May it subsequently, as the Medical Officer asserted would happen, steadily subsided, and no case having been notified to him for a week past, it may be considered at an end. The population of the borough is between seventeen thousand and eighteen thousand, and the total number of persons who have been affected is two hundred and eighty-fofir A chemical analysis of the water has been made by Dr. Dapre, of Westminster Hospital also by Drs. Thomson and Jackson, of King's College, with the most satisfactory results. A bacteriological examination has also been made by Dr.

Crookshank, of King's College, who reports as to a sample submitted to him on the 5th inst. that the water is good and wholesome, and, quoting his words, it ranks, from a bacteriological analysis, in my opinion, as very pure water." We observe in a London publreation that a correspondent suggests that the epidemic may be due to the drainage of the borough, and asks, if that is not the case, why a large sum is about to be expended on it. We emphatically state that not a particle of evidence can be adduced in support of this suggestion. If such was the origin of the epidemic, would it now suddenly cease, and that at a very trying season and before any part of the proposed works have been entered on The large outlay referred to was contemplated on the Incorporation of the Borough in 1890, and the works will probably be commenced at the latter end of the present year they were designed to bring into one system the present separate systems of Worthing and West Worthing, and to meet the growing requirements of a rapidly increasing population. As a health resort, Worthing has hitherto more than held its own with the most favoured places, and we have every confidence in stating, notwithstanding our temporary trouble, that it will not lose the good name it has acquired.

I We are, Sir, your obedient servants, ED WD. C. PATCHING, Mayor of Worthing. CHAS. C.

COOK, Chairman of Sanitary Committee. C. KELLY, M.D., Medical Officer of Health. W. VERRALL, Town Cl- Warthinc, Jane 11- Mm fp.c-.Ln.

710 Lancashire. A. Ward, Wainwright 9 Baker, run out Mr. A. C.

M'Laren, Hun- Tinsley. not out OCter, Peel 64 C. Smith, no out F. Sugg, run out 0 Bye A. Smith, Seller, Hirst 12 Briggs, c.Tunnicliffe, Peel 8 BOWLIXS ANALYSIS.

York shirk First Innings. O. M. B. W.

1 O. Mold 24.2. .10.. 40 .6 Oakley 4 Briggs 26 ..10.. 56.

.4 I 123 M. B. W. 3.. jracmc were quoted 81 814 Grand Trunk First Preference 55i 54 and Ditto Second 35 36J.

ForeignRailwats. Central Drngnay Eastern Extension Debentures rose 1, to 98 100; and Ditto Northern Extensions Debentures 1, to 90 92; while Great l'ii to 12i 13i Mexican Ordinary ft Pltto Frst Preference to 76 77; Central Argentine to 66i 67i; and Buenos Ayrea Yt estern Deferred to 6i Jr'051 WAT l1ni( ZSeh to 50 52 xd; Manila Prior i96 1 Mscow Jaroslaw 1, to 103 105 Northern of the South African Republic 1, to 83 85 96 93 Cassaba Second Debentures 1, to Md to 7374- Atrra 4.4 The folloving were the closing prices at 3.0 p.m. Jaa 44.12 44.62 I Russian Nots 216.00 216.25 ga 91.75 91.80 Hun.4p.cGd.Ln 96.05 96.12 4 100.00 100.00 The India Council announce the sale of Rs.1.00.000 Wejrraph transfers on Calcutta Is. 3 l-32d. ce Kcturn of the Imperial Bank of Germany for the Ht ended 15th inst.

shows an increase in the cash in of and a reduction in the note circulation S0.40Q7. In the Other Securities there is an increase while the PubIic Deposits are up 572,000. ine premium on sold at Buenos Ayres has advanced 225 to 227 per cent. alparaiso exchange has fallen to 15d. aah Srs' J- Hambro and Son are telegraphically by the Greek Government to offer, in pay-Cn, r.r lupous and drawn Bonds of the Five per an 2' Loans of 1881 and 1884 due July 1, 1893, nominal value of the Greek Loan of 1893 Loan), bearing interest at 5 per cent, from ty payable quarterly.

The Greek Loan of 1893 hoanl of 4,000.000. was decreed by the King past i of Jtine X1' 1893 ond authorised by laws This HE. Gre Chambers in 1889, 1891, and 1892. on1 tne 6eneral revenues of the country, Ifc in j8ecQre certain taxes and revenues, pay-gold 1 estimated to produce 7,650,000 drachiuas aiP of which will be collected by a created for this purpose. of the depositors of the London v.

rlf of Australia, held at Melbourne to-ckhjsJj. eme reconstruction was carried unani- Q8 directors of the Nitrate Rail-rim diy iy tt resolved to pay a further Tbd of II. per Share. London and Westminster, 58 4 London Joint Stock, 334 National of New Zealand.l 1-16 National Provincial of Enc- land, 4234 Ditto 12t paid. 50J 493 5 Ditto New, 424 Standard of South Africa, 50 Union of London, 343 Anglo-Austrian.

134 1 Bank of Australasia. 68 Bank of New South Wales, 52 Bank of Roumania, 74 Capital and Counties, 32 City, 194 Colonial, 374 London and County. 862 7 64 4 London and South-Western. 414 1 lKm ivtmu oi ciniU.liSOSJSeC., i more successful, doing the dUfance in the Breweries. bt.

Louis Mr. C. C. Lewis yesterday resumed the inquest on the body of Sarah Clark, of No. 4, Shaftes-bury-avenue, Plaistow, who died on Saturday evening, the 10th and whose husband committed suicide the next day.

Samuel Clark, a child of eight years, said he would tell the truth. On the Saturday evening he and his father and brother were playing in the yard. Witness heard his mother come home. She kicked at the door and his father went into the passage. He heard his mother scream, and he heard his father say, Go on." He heard his mother fall down, and then there was a scuffle.

She got up and then fell down again. His father went in and sat down in the kitchen. Witness came in and his brother Jemmy went into the passage. Jemmy came back and said his mother was lying in the passage and could not get up. His father said, I did that, and if you tell anyone, when I get hold of you 111 kill you." He did not go in and see nis father hit his mother because he could not get in.

When his father came in from the yard he bolted the door. Then when he came back to the kitchen he opened the door and said, "Now you can come in." Then he went and washed some blood off his hands. There was also blood on his right boot, and he washed that off. The Jury returned a verdict of Wilful Murder against the husband, Samuel Clark. Private Bill Committees.

In the House of Lords to-day Edinburgh Improvement, Bodmin Water, North-West 'Central Hallway Abandonment, and Latimer-road and Acton Railway Extension of time, at 3.0. Electric Powers Protective Clauses, at 2.0. Boom No. 3l KENT v. MIDDLESEX.

Cricket weeks have become quite the rage of late, and the example set at Canterbury bas been followed in many parts of the country. Kent has now added Tonbridge and Gravesend to the list, aud a week was commenced at the last-named place yesterday. The town was profusely decorated for the occasion, and the Bat and Ball Grounds made gay with tents and flag. Glorious, if over sultry weather'favoured the opening, and with the exception of a thunder shower during the afternoon, it remained beautifully fine throughout. The first of the Veek's matches, against Middlesex, has so far gone against the hoinecounty, the wicket after the start- being rather fiery.

Kent, tried a new player, Mr. Hargreaves, of Gravesend Town Club, and Middlesex also had a new band, Dr. Thornton, who has been seen previously in Yorkshire County cricket. Going in first Middlesex made a notably good start, Webbe and Stoddart hitting the bowling of Wright and Martin pretty freely, and no less than 99 runs were piled up before thev were separated, while at the same total both were dismissed, this score having taken them an hour anil 50 minutes to amass. Rawlin played free cricket, after lunch, the bowlers then being Wright and A.

Hearne, and after losing O'Brien for an addition of 29, he hit away, and another 53 were put on before he was got rid of, fourth wicket down, that addition having been made in 50 minutes. Hale, with Henery, raised the total apace, the first-named making some big drives, and 200 was reached after two hours and 50 minutes' play, a shower stopping She game for a time at that point. Hale was run out ten later, but with Ford in there was some more free punishment of the two Hearnes until Ford was caught at the wicket at 250. Seven later Mordaunt co*cked one up, which the wicket keeper ran forward and caught but Macgregor and Hearne kept up such a good defence that Martin and Wright were called on again. The change soon worked- Ditto Pref erence to 7 7i City of Chicago Ordinal aad Chicago Preference to 75 Threlfalls Ordinary to 15f 15J United States .7 rreierence $,10 iun.

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Mr. Pembroke Coleman, a was he i mekecper, and several dl-kuowii English cyclists assisted in the pe.ciiitr. "Cooling, KEKitEsinxo, and Invigorating." Such are the effects of Bowhvnd'a Kalydor on Hie face and bands of ladies travelling-, phtying tennis, boating, yachting, and all exjjosed tothe hot sun and dust it prevents and removes ireeklcs, tan, sunburn, redness and roughness of the akin more effectually than any Other prt soothes and heals the skin when burnt 'or bronzed by the hot tun. earn and relieves insect stints, irritation, eczema, prwluces soft fair skin, and a lovelv complexion it obviates the baneful effect of (ait water on th: skin, an 1 Uuui curative and healing to thetriosi delicate sKin; it is wananted harmless and free from mineral poisons Bottles. Is.

half bottles, 2s. 41. Ask anywhere tor Bon land's Kalydor, of 20, IJattoa-uBrden, London. Acvxat is tJiiiSiJ wwicnester rm, M'fiwan PreX, 121 11-16 Newcastle 102 13 unto Jim Bass. Bfttcliff, and Gretton 1274 Chicago.

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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