The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

L3 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1912. CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER PAGE ELEVEN TWO TEAMS EXCEL THOUSAND MARK Stasnys and Schreier-Peschs Bowl Far Above the 1 Average. Van Uum, Christian and Dewey Are Individual Stars. The bowlers of the city opened up another notch last night and hit wood high, wide and open. Taken all the way through, the scores were the best registered so far this year.

Two teams, the Stastnys, in the Preisel Iome league, and the Schreier-Peschs, in the Weidenniann Home league, hit for and 1,022 respectively. However, the latter hit highest total with 2.846 and the foriner close second with 2.839. The Casinos, who bowled against. the Schreier-Peschs, rolled good games and took one into camp, with J. Van Uum rolling 246, 220 and 190, totaling 656 for high individual.

Christian of the Stasthit second high single game with 257 and second for total with 636. Dewey of the Affeldts, in the TeLinde Home league, stood close third with 635. In the Lincoln league the Standards took three straight from the Renners and totaled 2,830. Kamp of the Renners made good scores for 604. In the Gilbert Equality league the W.

and followed suit for three games from the Hoeschmans, with Ohlrich making 241 and totaling 615. Six teams hit above' the 2,700 mark and nearly every individual hit 200 or better for at least one game. P'reisel's Home League. STASTNYS. SOLOMONS.

160 200 187 182 109 201 202 119 182 202 171 202 161 182 168 224 103 183 167 172 180 206 206 170 171 178 208 171 257 957 805 SOG 839 972 1028 Wiedenmann Home League. Whitaker. 171 182 142 145 171 SCHREIE CASINOS. 177 133 210 Rothacker. 113 139 213 190 185 180 179 189 C.

Wied'n. 173 217 100 V. VanUum 101 205 171 173 190 259 J. VanUum 240 220 190 909 015 872 888 879. Erie Commercial League.

H. T. A. L. 146 164 177 158 133 171 147 156 161 170 180 149 Parmenter 164 137 100 107 144 203 183 103 131 173 152 158 163 149 -1 181 145 202 776 S12 923 774 784 822 Erie Home League.

SANDS DIAMONDS. TELLINGS. Schleman. 200 135 167 160 168 192 169 139 180 117 208 181 173 169 197 182 Stigelmier 172 160 32 160 174 167 177 146 186 108 192 190 949 $16 799 912 834 Gilbert's Equality League. EAST ENDS.

SUPERIORS. 130 196 158 177 234 187 109 167 157 158 176 104 181 102 179 136 162 199 Buhrow. 151 211 177 100 137 205 Koppitch. 14S 194 139 831 894 TOS 932 025 ORENSKI MOTOR CO. 182 200 189 176 130 136 162 187 182 153 178 169 153 147 184 Rehrend.

183 413 106 108 155 100 177 160 170 181 828 911 862 870 S30 751 W. Sc W. 672 891 Hoeschman 711 718. 761 C. No.

1 League. BLISSFULS. THE TURNFESES 179 173 143 172 190 157 161 173 160 191 179 149 179 170 191 Reddeman 160 226 154 Swazing. 171 143 202 179 191 Boughton 201 186 170 222 163 215 203 011 941 875 833 874 904 Alhambra Home League. SHERMANS.

MOORES. 101 137 170 147 150 136 C. 187 132 178 Williamson 172 140 131 Patterson. 131 152 172 158 164 175 160 174 172 152 182 172 140 160 174 122 142 166 814 801 751 770 720 Century Home League. SCHRODERS.

CONTINENTALS. 152 154 130 127 151 177 Weinbeck. 136 120 189 117 130 174 137 108 133 188 177 201 McEllow'y 124 196 182 186 163 168 Schroder. 227 203 161 1S2 153 152 776 781 795 S00 701 902 Wade Park Home League. RAMBLERS.

CARLISLES. 163 158 155 126 174 135 169 145 167 17S 176 207 160 160 160 164 201 170 161 176 137 W. McKee. 173 213 211 191 145 171 D. McKee.

190 204 147 834 781 831 068 890 Dark Home League. SCHWEITZERS. KNOWLES. Schweit'r. 135 137 171 134.

113 161 136 184 189 139 131 196 203 212 141 145 165 188 192 140 183 169 128 Dickerson on 149 173 140 McDonald. 175 177 155 S11 920 703 831 735 805 Cosmopolitan Home League. GREENBERGERS. 202 184 150 168 169 166 179 187 COT 177 111 187 G. 167 158 154 153 190 171 107.171 204 173 184 C.Gies....

193 173 183 172 181 892 889 886 77S 914 'Te Linde Home League. AFFELDTS. WEBBS. 1 187 105 200 100 105 284 167 15S 153 Broadfeld 185 197 147 Stanley. 177 164 195 204 136 199 230 200 135 152 199 190 187 174 171 1 153 024 010 908 849 919 SG9 Royal Home League.

ROYALS. SCIILEITERS. 13S 137 15S 190 157 Wengart. 153 160 104 lIeningson 176 118 185 Kovatch. 204 218 159 172 149 123 157 149 147 157 137 157 Hollman.

135 140 178 Fastender 149 149 170 817 824 830 702 TOS 882 Woodland Home League. ZELLS COLTS. KUBACKS. 169 205 152 10S 190 168 129 116 141 423 211 198 132 175 146 167 139 171 1ST 212 173 Wanam'er 164 171 106 Kamerer. 142 177 135 129 174 167 STSI 760 925 783 Lincoln Home hoagne.

STANDARDS. RENNERS. L. Webber. 19S 145 187 133 168 171 201 188 204.

IL. Feig'b'r 202 201 162 Atkinson. 183 144 152 130 134 4'. Webber 170 200 178 W. Vel'h'r 117 100 139 Herrman .232 179 163 100 109 215' 993 922 013 826 S62 867 Nepodal Home Tongue: OTTO'S STARS.

FOOT BURTS. 100 179 199 Rendecker 154 177 169 163 177 1471 129 178 150 Buchman. 159 159 140 160 161 132 191 210 126 159 200 103 118 180 145 167 849 841 824 748 S14 S18 D. G. Home League.

J. D. G's. 197 REEVES. Bornitzke.

189 106 147 175 Tomming 104 148 Cummings 137 177 Wipe. 137 183 176 176 177 178 156 176 166 160 101 219 131 1. 105 126 146 168 796 829 880 770 781 917 Madison Home League. Daniels 838 721 838 Jones Tigers 831 776 S17 Century. Club League.

Mohawks 680 699 774 Blackfeet 716 606 692 Apaches 717 073 Crows 651 749 710 Woodland Home League. Retros 73S S11 TTS Keegans 746 841 SOt Sit. Clair Merchants' Home Leagne. S. 8.

Banks 827 070 70L and 1s. 691 744 726 Railway Power League. Lake Views 780 633 779 Divisions 626 519 500 Centary: Club League. Sioux 603 670 Iroquois 623 603 723 EAST HIGH BACKS PRACTICE USING SPEED IN PASSING BALL 3 5. 4.

1 Kinzer Bichle Home League. Topics 789 800 897 Terbrack Jacks 732 774. 7 SO Wiedenmann Bros. Home League. Binghams 783 TS.

Pilot Knobs 885 808 719 Harvel: Home League. Roth Webbers 791 794 861 Kola Tonas 833 851 828 Miller's Home League. La Azoras 821 806 767 Millers 769 727 720 Gedcon Home League. Elites 879 723 Jirbergs 737 784 695 Ideal Home League. Plazas 738 781 Flanders 720 TS6 76-1 Grasselli Chemical League.

Reports 791 810 STO Labratorys 633 566 072 Graus Home League. Graus 913 791 772 Degners 743 860 756 Hintz Home League. Hintz S28 805 782 Ravens 755 724 821 Ellinger Home League. Juehmles 778 837 Equity Club 745 732 722 Grand Home League. Albrechts 834 874 791 Thompsons 734 742 619 MAY TURN PRO PLAYER If He Does So, Pendleton Will Join Washington Club.

WASHINGTON, Nov. -Tol Pendleton, one of Princeton's football and baseball stars, may be a niember of the Nationals next season. This is Pendleton's last year at college and the chances. are that he will break out as a professional ball player next spring. If.

he decides to take this step there is every reason' to believe that he will join Griffith's forces. Griffith has only Pendleton's word by which to hold him. Last spring when the Princeton baseball tearn played at Georgetown Griffith took a trip up there purposely to look Pendleton over. He was very much Impressed with the young man's work and made arrangements to meet him. During their confab Griffith got Pendieton's promise that in the event of his trying his hand at major league baseball he would come here for his first trial.

Since then Griffith has taken occasion to remind the young man of his promise and there is no doubt that he will live up to it. HUGGINS READY TO SIGN. Bresnahan's Successor Confers With Cardinal. Official. ST.

LOUIS, Nov. C. Huggins will manage the St. Louis National League Baseball club next season, succeeding Roger Bresnahan, dismissed, according to an announcement. of one of.

the directors of the club. today. "We. have reached an agreement with Mr. said the director.

"and, while he has not signed a contract, he has agreed on his salary and will be ready to take up the reins Hugging had a long conference with Mrs. Helen Britton, chief owner of the club, and her attorney today. Huggins, when he left the conference, said: "I have been eager to be a manager and I'm glad I have succeeded." FOUR ELEVENS DISBAND. Cleveland Football Conference Holds Weekly Meeting. Notice of the disbanding of four teams was received at meeting the Cleveland Football association last the elevens being Clintons, Lowells, Hollands and Miles A.

C. The protest of the Tuscans against the Dwyers was disallowed and the gaine which was played Oct. 27 will stand as a victory for the Dwyers. The protest of the Courtlands against the Tuscans and the over to the next: meeting. Roadsides against the Geigers were" carried According to A new rule passed by the C.

F. A. last night, all for outof-town games by members must receive tho 0. K. of President Connor or Secretary Kroesen.

Dill Wins From Jones. Dill (50) beat Jones (30) in' the Threecushion game at Iielm's billiard rooms last night, score 50 to 43. In one- part of the game Jones made 23 in 23 innings, but coula not win out. Wednesday afternoon Johnson (44) and Melcher (32) will play. Pants and Passes.

The -Arrows practice tonight and Wednesday night at 7:30. The Market Squares will hereafter be known as the Teddy Rears. Practice Wednesdaynight at 7. Indians will practice Wednesday at at Linwood and E. 05th.

Tuxedos practice tonight at 7:30 at the gym. Carlisles will practice tonight: at boulevard grounds. Basketball Notes. Any good 15-year-old guard or center wishing to play with fast team, call East 2764 or write C. Johnson, $12 Park building.

The Oak- Arrows want to play any 16-yearold team. Write R. Nagel, 1473 Lauderdaleav. Davis-Farleys, Take Notice. There will be 3 special meeting Tuesday night of the Davis-Farley club at Waterman's.


BARBAROSSA Bremen BUENOS AYRES Cadiz IVERNIA Fiume GROSSER WIRELESS REPORTS. New York; dock 8:30 a. m. BREME tomorrow. PENNSYLVANIA-For New York; dock 8:30 a.

m. today. dock 5:30 KRONPRINZ WILHELM-For New. York; p. 11.

today. NEW Thursday. YORK-For New York; dock 8:30 a. For New York: dock noon tomorrow. LAWYERS QUARREL OVER BECKER CASE Three Attorneys Claim Authority.

From Prisoner to Conduct Appeal. Justice Goff Won't- Answer Charge That He is Too Old for Bench. BY PLAIN DEALER'S LEASED WIRE. NEW YORK, Nov. scramble between the lawyers who claim to have been retained to carry the case of Charles Becker to the court of appeals was a development of particular interest today, in the fight being made by.

the convicted police officer to escape the electric chair. Joseph A. Shay, a former associate of John F. McIntyre, and Louis J. Grant, known as a police lawyer, both asserted the right to appear as attorney of record for Becker.

Shay went SO far as to write the district attorW. Hart, who du defended Becker that he had been retained. John ing the trial as attorney, of record with McIntyre, admitted that his services automatically ended with the sentence. and intimated a desire to withdraw from the case. "I expect to argue Becker's case before the court of appeals," said McIntyre, "but I will not recognize anybody else in the case until 1 get instructions in writing from either Becker or his wife." Shay said he expected to be recognized in the case and that he would get affidavits to show that Sam Schepps was an accomplice to the murder by having been present at the time Rosenthal was shot in front of the 'scene in the automobile the the Metropole hotel and having, left gunmen.

This theory was presented at the trial, but was not supported by evidence. Later in the day Grant said he had assurance from Becker's wife and brother that Shay would not be engaged. The explanations offered by the friends of Becker for the contradictory statements from the lawyers is that lie has not decided who will be asked to make the last legal fight for his life. Justice Goff declined to discuss Mrs. Becker's statement that she believed jurist was over 70 years of age and that in case this is proved it would be used in the appeal to have the judgment of her husband's conviction reversed and a new trial ordered.

When the venerable judge was asked to state exactly the date of his birth he smiled and said gently: "No, I have nothing to say." According to the statement filed at the time of his elevation to the supreme counter bench, Justice Goff is eligible until 1918. District Attorney Whitman announced, that he was ready to go to trial with the gunmen either singly or by group. Former Magistrate Charles G. F. Wahl, who will conduct the defense.

has not signified whether he will ask for separate trials for nis clients. AT 70 DIES FOR LOVE Friend of Ex-Premier of Great Britain Takes Poison. VANCOUVER, B. Nov. Robson, 70, ended his life with poison here last night.

He was a man of wealth. Ilis son, Hugh Ames Robson Winnipeg, was deputy attorney general of the northwest territories under Attorney General Haultain. In the effects of the the late Sir Campbell Bannersuicide were several letters from found, man, former premier of England, who was his intimate friend and schoolmate. In a letter left for his landlady, Miss Blenman, Robson said: "If I could see any possibility of taking you out to the ranch and keeping you above suspicion I would be glad to do it. I have loved you ever since I came into the house.

But all is blurred. God bless Be good. I will meet you, by and by." PHOEBE COUZINS WEALTHY Lifted From Destitution to Wealth by Drainage of Swamp. BY PLAIN DEALER'S LEASED WIRE. ST.

LOUIS, Nov. Phoebe W. Couzins, lawyer, suffragist and pro hibtionist, who only a. few months ago was an object of charity in New Philadelphia, where she had gone to make a speech, is worth $100,000, owing to an increase in value of Arkansas swamp lands. Diss Couzins appealed to the city, in May, 1911.

She was without funds and for several days had been living on bread and said. The' city aided her. She declared then that her dependency was due to the failure of the brewing interests to make good their promise to settle on her an annuity of $3,000 for her work: in campaigning against Miss Couzing has abandoned all political and reform activity in order to pay entire attention to her realty. She owns 2,000 acres of land purchased by her father in 1860 and recently drained by the state. A large part of it is said to contain mineral deposits.

HOLDS POISONER SANE Reports on Condition of Woman Confessing LOS ANGELES, Nov. Pansy Hastings Lesh, who is in jail here awaiting removal to Sedalia, where she probably will be tried for poisoning Mrs. Eliza Coo of that place and Mrs. M. A.

Quaintance of Greenbridge, years ago, was declared sane today by' Dr. James T. Fisher, an alienist. Threats of exposure, made by Warren C. Lesh, the woman's husband, because of friendship for another man, are believed by the police to have influenced Airs.

Lesh to gurrender herself. "My husand and I never agreed," she when I found a place 38 housekeeper at the home of a foundry foreman, he got jealous. My employer was kind to me. kinder than any man ever was. I think he would have married mne I had a Perhaps he would not now," she added naively, that he knows what I did." ELEVATOR CRUSHES MAN Catches Operator as lIe Tries to Step From Moving Car.

James 1503 TV. 43th-st, employed as a machinist at the Quimby block, Euclid-av and E. 05th-st, was inlast jured in night. the elevator of the building Carson was coming down with the elevator. At one of the floors on his downward journey he attempted to step out of the moving car.

He was caught between the cage and the floor. of the car and was crushed. John J. Nunn's ambulance took him 10 Emergeney hospital, where it- was found that his abdomen was crushed and that he had sustained serious inical. ternal injuries.


Buell, who was working near the counter where Miss Haller worked. Sigmund Simet, 1728 WV. -28th-st, another clerk, sprang from behind his counter toward Patto after. he fired the shot. Patto placed the revolver to his own head when he saw the girl fall, but at first it failed to explode.

He "broke" it and snapped it shut again. Before Simet reached him Patto had placed the gun to his temple second time and fired. He was dead when Simet reached him. Jacob Haller, father of the girl, was in his office a block from the store when word was brought to him of the double tragedy. He went to the when store he found where he his almost 'daughter collapsed dead.

Detectives McFarland and Kennedy were standing almost in front of store when the shots sounded. They ran inside, took. charge of the bodies and helped calm shoppers and clerks. The bodies of the man girl were taken to McGorray's undertaking. "I roomsive him," said the girl's father of the murderer and suicide last night.

"We must not be too hard on him." KILLS HORSE, TRIES TO DIE Miner Resents Being Deprived of Animal He Loved. Nov. remarkable attachment for a horse, the use of which had been denied him. led Glen Shipley, a young miner, to kill the horse and after then gaining attempt forcible to possession commit suicide of the animal early today. Shipley went to the livery stable where the horse was kept, held up the man in charge at the point of a rethe volver.

hills lIe and then put a rode bullet the animal through into its head. Lying down beside the dead animal, Shipley shot himself just below the heart. He had used the' horse for six years and complained that others who rented the animal, mistreated it. Frequently. he rented the horse and kept it tied up all not day get SO it.

that careless drivers might Lived in Cleveland Sixty Years. Mrs. Calrsta R. Fish, 82, resident of Cleveland for more than sixty years, died at her residence, 9225 Miles-av S. D.

Airs. Fish had lived for forty years in the home where she died. she is survived by three daughters. Marion Fisher, who lived with her mother; Mrs. Helen Oviatt, and Mrs.

Ada Oviatt nf Kansas City, Mo. Dies Signing Pension Papers. ALLIANCE. Nov. James IT.

Dalzell, 70. dropped dead in his office this evening while signing pension papers. He served in the Twelfth Ohio cavalry during the civil war and was prominent in Grand Army FORBIDS GRANTING 'SNAP' INJUNCTION Supreme Court Also Restricts Issuing of Temporary Restraining Orders. Promulgates First Revision off Rules in Fifty Years. WASHINGTON; Nov.

promulgating today the first. revision of the equity rules of federal courts. in the last fifty years, the supreme court of the United States prohibited the granting of preliminary injunctions without notice, rand restricted the granting of temporary restraining orders. t- court embodied in the new rule many' of the points of the Clayton anti-injunction bill, for" which 'labor leaders have been fighting, which has passed the house and waits in the senate. Instead of temporary restraining being issued without notice upon presentation to a federal judge of general allegations that damage is about to.

be inflicted, the new rule requires that it must be shown by specific facts set forth in affidavits or otherwise that such damages will result: When a temporary restraining order is issued, a hearing the injunction must be given within ten days. Ieretofore no time limit was fixed by the rules, and often not by the courts. The court. went still. further and provided that those restrained may come into court within two days and be heard with expedition on a motion to dissolve the restraining order.

The new: rules do not require those procuring the restraining order to give a bond, or the judge to set forth in the order reasons for granting it. These were provisions in the Clayton bill. Chief Justice White did not refer to the anti-injunction rule in announcing the changes in the old rules, but did emphasize the statement that the revision was designed to simplify procedure. and remove delays and reduce cost. The antique form of pleading is abrogated in.

the new rules for the modern forms of. "code" states; judges are required, with few exceptions, to take testimony in court instead of appointing referees to do so; and appellate courts authorized more generally to dispose. of suits instead of reversing on immaterial errors. THREATENS COURTS FOR SCHOOL DANCE -CONTINUED FROM FIRST PAGE. the evening and not out somewhere at a dance." "These dances would not be for children," explained Dr.

Ashmun. "They would be for adults." "That doesn't make any difference," declared. Mr. Houser. "Adults should be at home, too.

Only last week I went out one night to call on nineteen young men whom I wanted to form. a new Bible class. Only one was at home and he was sick in "Perhaps if you had a dance out that you would find young men there," said D. C. Westenhaver.

"All dances are immoral," continued Rev. Mr. Ilouser. "Records will show that 82 per cent. of the American women who have gone astray trace their.

downfall to dancing. If you are foolish enough to adopt such a resolution tonight I shall ask my church that an. injunction be filed to you. "Why, not long ago I had to have a girl arrested for stealing a dress belonging to my wife to go to a municipal dance. I am sorry to think my wife's dress should have been considered gaudy enough for a municipal Miss Perkins said she would not sign the report because she opposes said three schools already have asked dancing in the schools.

Mrs. Green for dancing. Miss Perkins replied that one man in one of the districts named opposes dancing. Mrs. Green declared she had investigated and found that the man question had no children in school and therefore didn't count.

Dr. Jones again entered a protest. He said the school code held that no school should be opened for any purpose concerning which there was a difference of opinion in the district. The vote was finally taken, resulting in six nays one aye. Mrs.

Green was the only board member to vote in favor of her resolution. Mrs. Sarah E. Hyre, board clerk, OLD FIFER MAKES HIT. AT PAINTING EXHIBIT 'Spirit of '76' Picture Popular at Opening Display by Cleveland Artists--Show to Continue at Taylor's Three Weeks.

The original sketch of A. Will lard's old fifer in the "Spirit of '70" attracted much attention yesterday at the opening exhibition of paintings by Cleveland artists at Taylor's gallery. The veteran painter also shows a summer me landscape, "Chagrin Valley." and 'spirited statuette of his '76 drummer. "On Lake Como," one of F. C.

Gottwald's new. Italian paintings; W. L. Oakes' "Gloucester 'Autumn," by William Edmondson; a farm scene and cattle piece' by Charles De Klyn and many other realistic paintings are shown, with a sprinkling of very bright colored! impressionistic by William Sommer, Hugger, Charles Hecht, William Finkelstein and others of the Kokoon Klub. A very decorative picture, in tone, is Henry G.

Keller's "To the Idylls of and he also shows a landscape and 2. brilliant bunch of peonies in impressionistic style. Ora Colman, Charles Shackleton, Joseph Van Alt, George A Adomeit and August Biehle are other exhibitors. Herman Matzen shows one 01' two pieces of sculpture. The display will continue for three weeks and is free to the public.

Miss Gertrude Hunter, manager of the gallery, gave a 'reception yesterday afternoon to mark which was well attended. Among those who assisted her in receiving were Mrs. Stevenson Burke. Miss' Georgie Norton, Mrs. F.

C. Gottwald, Drs. H. G. Keller, Mrs.

Ora Coltman and Mrs. J. H. Donahey. NOTHING EQUALS S.S.S.

FOR OLD SORES Nothing equals S. S. S. as a cure for Old Sores, because nothing equals it as a blood purifier. The source and supply of every chronic sore is impure blood; the circulation is infected with germs and morbid accumulations which are being constantly, deposited into the open place.

This causes ulceration and inflammation of the flesh tissues and produces a condition upon which salves, washes, lotions, can have 110 'curative effects. The blood must be purified of all infectious matter before the circulation can nourish the flesh tissues and stimulate them to the healthy' condition necessary to heal the sore. S. S. S.

heals old sores by going down to the fountain-head of the trouble and driving out the germs and morbid matters which are keeping the ulcer open. Then as new, rich blood is carried to the place, the healing begins, all discharge ceases, the inflammation leaves, new tissue and healthy flesh are formed, and soon the ulcer is well. You are not wasting time when you use S. S. but you are giving yourself the benefit of the very best treatment for old sores.

Book on Sores and Ulcers and medical advice free to all who write and request S. S. S. is sold at drug stores. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC ATLANTA, GA.

21 yesterday presented her plan for perfect school enumeration, minus all padding. She advised that the board authorize her to prepare a card record of every person in the city. between the age ages have of shown the 6 and by .137,194 21. the last persons She would of enumeration school then checked against the lists of all public, private, special and parochial schools and the records of the trudepartment as obtained by card. To this work she recommended the appointment of census clerk.

The plan presented 10 the business management committee for consideration. The board authorized establishment, of a. kindergarten school at the East End Neighborhood house, 0410 Holton-av S. F. Edward.

Lemmerman, teacher at East- Technical high school, a rebuke for going over' the head of the superintendent to lodge a complaint, with the board. Lemmerman, in a letter, told board. that he' had been transferred from high school work to an elementary school and three years later to a high school again with the understanding that he to be credited with the: work in elementary This credit, he said, was not given hiin. The Flora Stone Mather Mothers' club indorsed the suggestion of President Ashmun to change the school names. Supt.

Frederick recommended that as new position--that of special teacher of reading, be created at the Normal school. AMBITION CAUSES ARREST Desire of Cashier Results in Charge of Embezzlement. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. ambition to become the moving picture magnate of the Pacific coast is alleged to have: led Wallace J. Poland, until three wecks ago cashier of the San Francisco office of the International Harvester to embezzle $84,000 cf his employers' money.

Judge K. M. Greene, atorney for the Harvester company, caused Poland's arrest today on the charge of having (embezzled $1,500 on Oct. 3. Judge Greene said Poland had admitted this peculation and that a mission of other thefts brought the total, up to $54.000.

The peculations 'are alleged to have begun early in 1911 and continued until early in October, when Aubrey F. Ambrose traveling auditor of the company, arrived in Francisco and began an investigation of POland's accounts. Poland is held 0 0 at the city prison in 'default of $50,000 bail. Foland is 28 years old. He is married, but has no children.

VILLAGE ELECTS FIRST MAYOR. Summit County Community Ties on Choice for Treasurer. AKRON. Nov. 3r.

Dalrymple was elected the first mayor. of Northfield, recently incorporated as a village In Summit. county. Dalrymple received 68 votes. while his opponent, W.

W. Darley, received 64. For. treasurer, W. A.

Vaughan and George Bliss received the same number of votes, G. C. Machwart is the new clerk and 'John Gorman was elected marshal. The councilmen are J. McConnell, E.

H. Carter. Anson Kyle, A. E. Ehlert and U.

S. Adams. Marriage Licenses. John Neuzil, 20, 3248 TV. 50th-Marle Podajisky, 24, 2021 E.

00th. Michael Maslanik, 24. 4476 W. 5th-Maria Gennak, 21, 2476 W. 5th.

P'asquale DI Giacomo, 24. D. 89thGrazia 20, 4020 1. 89th. Ernst Koester, Newburg-Elizabeth Schintker.

09, 4203 W. 35th. Edward Sueckel, 24. 7300 Lawn- -Hazel Ennis, 19,. 3300 Woodbine.

Walter W. Wildman, 26, Linndale, Viola Firchow, 24, 3233 W. 00th. Jan Wiicik, 21, 2583 St. Tichon-Wiktoria Kslazck, 19, 2585 St.

Tichon. Raleigh W. Hame, 21, 3304 W. 50th-Nora Green. 20, 359:1 WV.

ruth. Leopold Kahn, 22, 2213 E. 8th-Rae Peretz, 19, 5002 Scovill. Ike M. Kronenberger, 31, hotelAnna Sandberg, 20, 1466 1.

John A. Frew, 16, 3036 E. 78th -Beatrice Jolliffe, 29. 3036 C. 78th.

John Weber, 35, 2204 Lorain-av-Emelia Meres, 34, 2204 Lorain-av. Edward Newcomer, 23, 1133 AddisonDora Monscheln, 22, 6315 Carl. Reuben Turner, 20, 1121 Bethel--Ida Games, 37, 1121 Bethel. Charles F. Murdock, 21, 1196 flamilton Marie Stackhouse, 18.

2200 W. 53d. Bert Harris, 30, 1121 Bethel-Sarah East, 37, 1121 Bethel. James Finnerty, 22, 3103 W. -Agnes Schuller, 18, St.

Clair. Peter A. Revelt, 24, 2124 LakesideMarguerite Schaufelberger, 21, 1558 E. 30th. Ivan Sekula, 23, 3021 W.

19th-Varvara Dyez, 20, 3021' TV. 19th. Alfred Stiller. 24. 2138 Hamilton -Agnes Walgenback, $18, 2138 Hamilton.

Lewis Murton, 25, Boston, Camcan, 23. The Trio. Homer H. Hatch. 22, Garretsvilla, Edyth Beckler, 24, 3332 55th.

Alonzo 'Dhue, 37. 2247 E. 49th-Alice Morman, 32, 2200 E. 39th. Get Good Coffee WEIDEMAN COFFEE at 35c lb.

Will fill the requirements. One pound oval cans only. 47 "SERVATOR" is A a striking new style. with distinction. an air Gives to show the tie.

'Preferred now by well-dressed men who the larger four-in-hands. "EQUINOX," same collar one inch Both made with the Patented "Lock-that-Locks" and Easy-Tie-Slide" spacc. Of course they are ollars Oldest Brand in America 2 for 25c. Quarter Sizes For perfect fit 'and smartest style try a LION collar on 3 LION shirt. United Shirt and Collar Makers, NY.

METHODISTS ADOPT NEW BISHOP RULES Confer Presidential Authority Over Districts Having Spring Conferences. 1 Board Ends Active Sessions of Annual. Meeting in Toledo. ART EXPERT ASKS $100,000 Demands Commission for Sale to Ex-Senator Clark. LONDON, Nov.

sale to exSenator William A. Clark of Montana of a collection of old masters for $740,000 by Sir George Donaldson is the subject of a suit which began today in the lord chief justice's court here. Alfred G. Temple, director of the Art Gallery the Corporation of London, is suing Sir George Donaldfor $100.000 commission on the salemple today through 'his counsel. argued that owing to his friendship to the late Edwin A.

Abbey, the American painter, he was able. to introduce Mr. Clark to Sir George Donaldson. At first Mr. Clark bought pictures of the 'value of only $170,000 I I I and Mr.

Temple received his commission on that transaction. Later, however, Mr. Clark purchased the remainder of the collection and Mr. Temple. is suing for the commission one that.

DOUBLY WED BY MISTAKE Man Blames Lawyer Whom He Paid to Obtain Divorce. BY PLAIN DEALER'S LEASED WIRE. NEW YORK, Nov. Andrew B. Diller was called to account today in the supreme court for marrying a second time while his first wife was still living, he said he was the victim of an unscrupulous lawyer Mrs.

Katherine vis Diller, the second wife, alleged that when Diller married her in Hoboken in 1906, he had a wife, Mrs. Mary Margaret Diller, of Buffalo. Diller admitted that he married his first wife in 1800 and that two children were born of this marriage. In 1904 he said he paid a lawyer money to get him a. divorce in New Mexico and the lawyer later told him that he had obtained the divorce.

Both wives were in court to testify against Diller. The second wife said she understood Diller had a valid divorce when she became his wife. The court granted a decree of annulment to the second Mrs. Diller. BARITONE TAKES CROWD l'itta Rufo I'lenses Audience olt Jis Debut.

BY PLAIN DEALER'S LEASED WIRE. Nov. 4. -Titta Ruffo, the baritone in whose debut the musical public of this country has been pearance interested for weeks, made his first aphere tonight. who The filled question the before the 3,500 persons Metropolitan opera house to hear the Philadelphia-Chicago company in Verdi's "Rigoletto" was, "Is this singer really the greatest baritone world and worth the $2,000 a performance which he receives?" Hundreds of Philadelphians and New Yorkers helped- supply a popular verdict tending toward the aflirmative.

It this would be difficult to say definitely that large audience was fully satisfied as that far Ruffo above is, his vocally and artistically, is baritone colleagues as his nightly stipend. but there was ers every were evidence greatly to indicate impressed. that his hear- BESSIE McCOY IS LOSER Sues Physician Who Sold Her $3,000 Worth of Mining Stock. BY PLAIN DEALER'S LEASED WIRE. CHICAGO, Nov.

her marriage to Richard Harding Davis, the novelist, Miss Bessie MeCoy, the her Chicago throat. from a physician who treated actress, bought some mining to stock in She is convinced now that stick to physicians, like cobblers, should their lasts. court She today filed a suit in the municipal against Jay F. Pitts for the recovery of $3,000 and interest, stock which she says she paid him for Mining in the Bessemer Block Coal Co. It is 'alleged that Dr.

the Pitts stock induced Miss McCoy to purchase to repurchase by the personally stock guaranteeing she paid at any time she desired to sell. This he admitted today. Dr. Pitts combined the practice of his profession with the business of stock salesman in his dealings with Hopper theatrical $5,000 people. worth He of stock sold in De Wolf various Moore to concerns invest and.

$4,000. persuaded Victor MUDDLE TO DELAY PIERS Discrepancy in Figures May Require New Bridge Specifications. As a result of discrepancies in the figures regarding the amount of concrete needed for secondary piers for new county Detroit-Superior commissioners level bridge, tomorrow have to bids received a few days ago and call for new ones. the The Great bids opened Wednesday showed lowest. Lakes Dredge Dock Co.

tary of Since then Fesler, secrepointed the Municipal association, out to the commissioners that about 2,500 cubic yards more of concrete would be needed than had been allowed for by County Bridge Engineer M. Felgate. County Engineer Frank R. Lander said yesterday he had relied on Felgate's figures. Coal Famine Closes School.

ALLIANCE. Nov. school buildings have been closed as a result of obtained the coal tomorrow famine. others Unless will fuel close. is TOLEI Nov.

of bishops to presidential over conferences In districts' where. sprint, April conferences and May are to of be next held year; in arranged by the board of bishops of the Methodist Episcopal church, was announced today. In most instances bishops were assigned to. presidential. authority in conference districts where they have residential authority': in order that they may become thoroughly acquainted through with their respective plan of allotment was adopted becanse the system.

of assigning bishops to residentlal authority over groups of 'conference districts was adopted only. red cently. Beginning with the next fall': bishops will be assigned to presidential authority in i districts lather than residential those authority over by which the they adopted quadrennium plan. Spring conferences of 1913 number about one-third of the total number of Methodist conferences: Fully twothirds of the conferences are held in the fall. Dates for district 'conferences are designated by the general conference.

'The board of bishops has authority only to appoint presiding oflicers, who have jurisdiction one month before, during, and one month after the conference sessions. The board of bishops concluded: the active sessions of its annual mecting here Saturday evening. Appointments of bishops made for the next spring conferences are: BISHOP CARL -Baltimore, central Pennsylvania and J. W. Swedish, New England southern and New England and New Hampshire.

J. TO. PERRY-Philadelphin, New Jersey, Wilmington and Wyoming. W. F.

McDOW North Indiana. WILLIAM BURT Eastern Gorinany, northern York and Porto Rico. L. I. WILSON York cast, New York, Newark and Troy.

W. F. ANDERSON-Lexington. J. L.

NUELSON -Conference in W. A. QUAYLE-Arkansas and Little Rock. C. W.

SMITII -St. Louls and central Missouri. ROBERT MCINTYRE--Lincoin, Neb. FRANK M. BRISTOL -Northwest and southwest Kansas.

T'. S. HENDERSON Vermont, Maine and east WV. O. and south Kansas.

W. P. Mississippi and upper Mississippi. HOMER. STUNTZ-South America.

FRANCIS J. Mexico. N. R. J.

Nineteen LUCco*ck-Hawail -Alaska. bishops are assigned to presidential jurisdiction over thirtyeight. district conferences. Resumes White Slave The grand Jury yesterday resumed its investigation of alleged white slave conditions in Cleveland. Several kcopers of resorts and 'detectives were examined.

State of Ohio, city of Toledo, Lucas County, Frank J. Cheney makes oath that. he 1 senior partner of the Arm of Chenoy doing business In the City of Toledo, County and State aforesald, and that said Arm will pay the sum. of ONE. HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by.

the use of HALL'S CATARRII CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me- and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of A. D.

1586. (Seal) A. W. GLEASON, Notary ITall's Catarrh Cure is taken 'Internally and acts directly, upon the blood and: mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free.

Sold by Druggists, 75c. F. J. CHENEY 0. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation, Constipated? -A Bilious? Dyspeptic? 43 LAXATIVE: is the very best medicine for you.

Easy to take. Sure to act. For Constipation--one-hulf tablet before and meals. For Indigestion--one-half. tablet after meals.

10c, 25c and 50c at all Drug Stores or by mail from Hiss Drug Cleveland.a PURE WHISKYS Excellence To excel--that is the one principle underlying every step in the production of Cascade Pure Whisky. As a result. discriminating men demand it for its rich mellowness and physicians recommend it for its purity. MELLOW AS MOONLIGHT Original bottling old gold label. 16 FERA GEO.

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The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

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