**Breach of Contract, Stop Orders, Abandonment, Payment Failures - legal services - craigslist (2024)


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**Breach of Contract, Stop Orders, Abandonment, Payment Failures - legal services - craigslist (1)

license info: Fenwick Construction Services, Inc. ROC 298078 B-Residential

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Use our services when you have a dispute between yourself and another party and a resolution does not appear to be quickly attainable.

My 44+ years of experience allows me to bring a wide array of skills and knowledge to mediate, arbitrate and help settle your construction related disputes as noted below:

Breach of Contract issues or general concerns -
Stop Work Orders -
Project Abandonment by your contractor -
Payment Failures -
Contract Interpretation -
Workmanship issues -
Standard of Care issues -
Unlicensed Contractor issues and what to do -
Job-Site Injuries -
Insurance Coverage and Claim Issues -

Any of the above issues are extremely important and can bring any project to a dead-stop.

My role is to help everyone determine who is right or wrong and keep the project moving forward.
From my experience, A Quick Resolution is way better for everyone involved than a lengthy and costly legal battle.

Call today so we can schedule a time to meet, and I will send you my 4 page CV outlining my professional experience.

Michael L. Keith
ExpertsAz, LLC

(602) 541-6945




Phoenix, Sun City, Sun City West, Scottsdale, Carefree, Cave Creek, Anthem, Paradise Valley, Glendale, Goodyear, Litchfield, Peoria, Surprise, Arrowhead, Youngtown, Avondale, El Mirage, Waddell, Buckeye, New River, Metro Center, Arcadia area, Including all county islands located within North-Northwest-Northeast and Central Maricopa County.





















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a, a/c, abilities, ability, able, able, about, above, act, ad, add, addition, additions, advisor, afford, affordable, after, again, against, age, aged, ago, air, air, air-conditioning, airconditioning, all, almost, along, also, aluminum, always, America, American, among, an, and, and, animal, animal, animals, annex, another, answer, any, apartment, apartments, apostles, appear, appliance, appliances, arbor, Arcadia, are, area, Arizona, arm, armed, around, as, asbestos, ask, asphalt, assessment, at, authentic, auto, automotive, away, az., b, b, back, bacteria, bacterial, bar-b-q, barbeques, bare, barn, base, base, baseboard, based, basem*nt, basem*nts, bath, bathroom, bathrooms, baths, bathtub, BBQ, be, bear, bearing, beautiful, beauty, because, bed, Bee, beehive, beehives, bees, before, began, begin, behind, being, belief, believable, below, belowground, best, best, better, between, bib, bible, bibs, big, binder, bird, birdnest, birds, black, black, bless, block, blocks, blue, board, boarded, boards, boat, body, bonafide, bond, bonded, bonder, bonds, book, both, bought, box, box, boxes, boy, brick, bricks, bring, bringing, brother, brotherly, brought, brush, brushed, bubbler, bubblers, build, builder, builders, business, businesses, busy, but, by, cabinet, cabinets, call, came, camera, can, cans, car, carpenter, carpentry, carpet, carpeting, carried, carry, cars, case, casem*nt, cases, cat, cats, caulk, caulking, caulks, cause, caused, causing, cedar, ceiling, ceilings, cement, cements, center, center, centers, central, certain, chair, chance, chances, change, changed, charitable, charitable, charity, check, checking, chemical, chemicals, child, children, chimney, choice, choose, Christ, Christian, Christmas, church, city, class, clean, cleaning, cleans, clear, client, close, closet, closets, cloth, coarse, coat, coating, coatings, coats, cognition, collapse, collapsible, collapsing, cold, coldest, color, come, command, commanded, commercial, common, companies, company, complete, completed, completing, completion, composite, conception, concrete, condition, conditioning, conditioned, condo, condominium, condominiums, condos, construct, constructed, constructing, construe, construed, construction, contain, contract, contractor, contractors, contracts, cool, cooling, cools, copper, corporate, corporation, corral, corrals, correct, corrected, correcting, could, counter, counters, countertop, country, county, course, court, courts, cover, coverage, covered, covering, covers, covers, crack, cracking, cracks, craft, craftsman, craftsman, craftsmanship, craftsmen, crazy, cried, crown, cry, crying, cultured, custom, cut, cuts, cutting, damage, damages, dark, day, decide, decided, deciding, deck, decks, decorate, decorative, decorator, deep, defect, defected, defects, deflection, deflect, defects, deliver, demo, demolition, denomination, depend, depends, dependable, dependability, depended, depending, design, designer, designs, desire, develop, development, did, differ, different, direct, direction, directly, directory, disciples, discipleship, discovery, dishwasher, do, document, documents, doer, doers, does, dog, dog, doggie, don't, done, door, doors, doorbell, downstairs, drain, draining, drainage, drains, draw, draw, drawing, drawing, drawings, draws, drive, driver, driving, dry, dry, dryer, dryrot, drywall, drywalls, dual, dumb, during, each, early, earth, ease, easier, east, easy, eat, efficiency, efficient, eight, electric, electrical, electrician, enable, enabled, enabling, end, energy, enough, enter, entering, entry, entryway, environ, environment, environmental, epoxy, estate, estates, estimate, estimate, estimates, estimating, estimator, even, evenly, ever, every, everyone, example, expansive, expand, expanded, expanding, experience, experiencing, experienced, experiences, extension, exterior, eye, fabricate, fabricated, fabricating, facing, faced, face, fact, faith, faithful, fall, falling, falls, family, fan, fans, far, farm, farmer, farming, fascia, fast, fastest, father, fatherly, farther, faucet, faucets, feel, feeling, feet, fell, fence, fenced, fencing, few, FHA, field, fielding, fielded, figure, figured, fill, filter, filters, filtration, final, find, fine, finish, finishes, finishing, fire, fires, fire-pits, fireplace, firedog, first, fish, fished, fishing, five, fix, fixated, fixed, fixing, fixable, fixture, fixtures, flat, flip, flipped, flipper, flipping, flips, floor, flooring, floors, fly, flying, foam, foamed, foaming, foams, follow, followed, followers, following, food, foot, footage, footer, footing, for, forced, force, forces, forcing, foreclose, foreclosing, foreclosed, foreclosure, foreign, forgive, forgiven, forgave, forgiveness, forgiving, form, formed, forming, found, foundation, foundations, four, fostering, foster, fostered, frame, framed, frames, framing, frank, frankly, frantic, free, freed, freeing, freely, freer, friend, friendly, from, front, full, fully, fume, fumes, fuming, furnace, furnaces, further, furthering, garage, garaged, garages, gas, gassed, gases, gate, gate, gates, gates, gave, gay, gazebo, general, general, generally, generously, get, girl, give, given, glass, go, god, godly, gold, good, got, govern, grand, granite, grate, grates, gray, great, great, greater, greatest, green, green, grill, grills, ground, group, grow, guard, gutter, gutters, guy, gypsum, had, half, halves, hand, hand, hands, handy, handy, handyman, handyman, handymen, hang, hanging, hangs, happen, hard, hardwood, has, have, he, head, heady, headily, health, healthful, healthy, hear, heard, hearing, heart, heat, heat, heater, heaters, heating, heating, heats, help, her, here, high, highly, him, his, historical, historical, history, history, hold, holder, holding, home, home, homes, honest, honestly, honey, horizontal, horse, horses, hose, hoses, hot, hotter, hottest, hour, house, how, hundred, hung, I, idea, if, illegal, illegally, important, improve, improvement, improves, in, inability, inch, incorporating, incorporation, Indian, inquisitor, inside, insides, inspection, inspections, inspector, inspectors, install, installation, installed, installer, installers, installs, insulate, insulated, insulation, insulator, insurance, insurances, insure, insuring, interest, interested, interesting, interior, interiors, interrogate, interrogating, interrogated, interrogator, into, invent, inventing, invented, investigation, investigations, investigate, investigator, investigators, investment, investments, iron, iron, irons, is, island, it, it's, its, Jesus, journeyman, judge, judgement, just, keep, kind, king, kitchen, kitchens, knew, know, knowledge, knowledgeable, kool, lady, ladies, lateral, land, landscape, landscapes, landscaping, language, large, last, lat, late, later, laugh, laughing, laundry, laundry, lead, leak, leakage, leaked, leaking, leaks, learn, learned, learning, leave, leaving, left, less, let, letter, letting, level, leveling, levels, liable, liability, license, licensed, licenses, life, light, lighter, lightest, lightly, like, line, line, lines, list, listed, listen, listening, listing, lists, little, live, lively, local, lock, lock, lockable, locker, locker, locking, Locking, locks, locks, long, longed, longer, longing, look, lot, love, lovely, loving, low, lumber, machine, machine, machinery, machinery, machines, made, made, mail, mailbox, mailboxes, mailed, mails, main, make, maker, making, man, man, manage, management, manager, many, map, maple, mapping, marble, mark, marked, married, mason, masonry, master, material, materials, me, mean, meaningful, measure, measure, measurement, measurements, measures, measuring, measuring, mechanical, mirror, member, men, men, mid, might, mile, military, mind, mine, minister, minister, ministries, ministry, minute, mirrors, miss, missed, missing, mold, molding, molds, money, moon, more, morning, most, mother, mountain, move, moved, moving, much, music, must, my, name, natural, NE, near, need, never, new, newer, next, nickel, night, nine, no, noon, north, not, notch, note, nothing, notice, notified, now, number, numbers, numeral, NW, oak, oath, object, occupation, odor, odors, of, off, officer, often, oh, old, on, on-time, once, one, only, onto, open, opened, opener, opening, oral, order, ordered, ordering, osmosis, other, our, out, outside, outsides, oven, over, own, owned, owning, page, paint, painter, painting, pane, panel, paneling, panels, panic, paper, papering, park, parked, parking, parson, pass, pass-through, passage, passing, pasture, patch, patches, patching, patio, patios, pattern, peace, pen, penetration, pens, people, pergo, perhaps, permit, permits, person, pet, pets, phone, phones, photo, photograph, photographs, photography, photos, picture, piece, pigeon, pigeons, pine, pines, pizza, place, plain, plan, plan, plane, planner, planning, plans, plans, plant, plaster, plastering, play, plumb, plumber, plumbers, plumbing, point, police, policeman, pond, ponding, ponds, pool, pool, pools, popcorn, popcorn, port, portable, pose, possible, possibly, post, post-tension, posted, posting, pound, pounded, pounding, power, powered, powering, preservation, press, pressing, pressure, price, priced, prices, pricing, pride, primary, problem, produce, product, profession, professional, propane, protect, protected, protecting, protector, pull, pulled, puller, pulling, pump, pumps, punch, pure, purifier, purifiers, put, qualification, qualifier, qualify, quality, queen, question, questions, quick, quickly, quote, quoted, quotes, quoting, rail, railing, rain, raining, rains, ran, rate, rates, rating, reach, read, reading, ready real, really, real, real-estate, realization, realize, realtor, reason, reasonable, reasonably, reasons, reconstruct, reconstructed, reconstructing, record, recorded, recorder, recreation, recreational, red, reface, refinish, refinish, refinished, refinishes, refinishing, refinishing, reflective, reliable, reliably, rely, relying, relied, remember, remembered, remembering, remodel, remodel, remodeled, remodeled, remodeler, remodelers, remodeling, remodeling, remodels, removal, remove, removing, renovate, renovation, rent, rental, rentals, repair, repairs, replace, replaced, replacement, replaces, report, reported, reporting, reports, residence, residential, rest, retain, retained, retainer, retaining, retains, retrace, retraced, retracing, reverse, reversing, reversed, reverses, right, rise, risen, risen, risk, river, road, rock, rocking, rocks, roof, roofing, roofs, room, room, room, rooms, rose, roses, rot, rots, rotten, rotting, round, rounded, rounding, rule, ruler, rules, ruling, run, running, rust, rusted, rusting, rusts, Rv, RV, said, same, sand, sand, sanding, sands, saw, say, school, schoolhouse, science, scratch, scratched, scratches, screen, screens, se, sea, seal, sealer, sealers, sealing, season, seasoned, seasons, second, second, secondary, security, see, see, seem, seen, self, sentence, separate, separator, separated, separating, separation, septic, serve, served, server, service, service, services, servicing, serving, set, seven, several, sewer, shall, shape, she, shed, sheds, shingle, shingles, shingling, ship, shipped, shipping, shop, shopper, shopping, shops, short, should, show, shower, showers, side, side, siding, siding, sign, silver, simple, sing, singing, sink, sinks, sit, site, sitting, six, size, sized, skill, skilled, sky, skylight, skylights, sleep, sling, slow, slower, slowly, small, smaller, smallest, smell, smells, smoke, snow, so, society, solar, solution, some, something, sometimes, song, soon, sound, sound, sounding, sounds, south, space, speaker, speakers, special, specialist, spell, sprinkler, sprinklers, square, stable, stables, stain, stains, stair, staircase, stairs, stall, stalls, stand, standard, standards, star, start, started, starting, state, stately, stated, stating, stay, stayed, steam, steaming, steel, steely, steep, steeper, steeply, step, still, stink, stockade, stone, stood, stop, stoppage, stopped, storm, storms, store, stored, storing, storied, story, straight, straightforward, street, strip, strips, strong, structural, structure, structures, stucco, study, stuff, stuffed, stuffing, sub, subrogation, subterranean, such, sundeck, sun, sunlight, sunshade, sun-screen, sunroom, support, supporting, sure, surface, surfaced, surfacing, sw, sworn, synthetic, system, systems, table, take, talent, talented, talk, talking, tall, tank, tanks, tar, teach, tell, ten, tenant, tenants, test, tested, testing, testimony, than, thank, that, the, their, them, then, there, thermal, thermo, thermometer, thermostat, these, they, thing, think, this, those, thought, thousand, three, threshold, thresholds, through, tile, tiles, tiling, time, to, today, together, toilet, toilets, told, too, took, top, top, top-notched, topping, tops, toward, town, travel, tree, trellis, triple, true, trust, trustworthy, truth, truthfulness, try, turbine, turbines, turn, twelve, two, under, underground, underneath, underside, unit, until, up, upgrade, upgraded, upgrading, upright, upstairs, us, USA, use, usual, usually, VA., valve, valves, vanities, vanity, vapor, veneer, veneered, veneering, vent, venting, vents, very, vet, veteran, vineyard, vinyl, vertical, vision, visioning, voice, wait, waiter, walk, walk, walking, wall, walling, wallpaper, wallpapering, wallpapers, walls, want, war, warm, warmer, warn, warning, warranty, was, wash, wash, washer, washing, washing, watch, water, water, watering, way, we, wear, weather, week, weigh, weight, weld, welder, welding, well, well, wells, went, were, west, what, wheel, when, where, which, while, white, who, whole, why, will, wind, window, windows, wing, with, witness, witnesses, witnessed, without, wonder, wonderful, wood, wood, woods, woodworker, word, work, work, workmanship, world, would, write, written, wrought, year, years, yes, yet, you, young, your, zone, zoning.

The following list of 120 are a selected few of the 280+ names, that represent the majority of the Incorporated and Unincorporated Cities, Towns, and Reservations located in Arizona.

Arizona City, Arizona Village, Ash Fork, Avondale, Bagdad, Black Canyon, City, Blackwater, Buckeye, Bullhead City, Camp Verde, Carefree, Casa Grande, Cave Creek, Chandler, Chino Valley, Clarkdale, Claypool, Clifton, Colorado City, Cordes Lakes, Cornville, Cottonwood, Cottonwood-Verde Village, Desert Hills, Dewey-Humboldt, Ehrenberg, El Mirage, Flagstaff, Fountain Hills, Gilbert, Glendale, Goodyear, Grand Canyon Village, Holbrook, Jerome, Kachina Village, Kaibab, Kingman, Lake Havasu City, Lake Montezuma, Litchfield Park, Mayer, Mesa, Mohave Valley, Mojave Ranch Estates, Mountainaire, Munds Park, New River, Paradise Valley, Parker, Parker Strip, Paulden, Payson, Peach Springs, Peeples Valley, Peoria, Phoenix, Pine, Pinetop-Lakeside, Prescott, Prescott Valley, Quartzsite, St. David, St. Johns, St. Michaels, Salome, San Carlos, San Luis, San, Manuel, Scottsdale, Sedona, Seligman, Sells, Strawberry, Sun City, Sun City West, Sun Lakes, Sun Valley, Surprise, Tempe, Tolleson, Tonto Basin, Tuba City, Wenden, Wickenburg, Williams, Williamson, Willow Valley, Winslow, Yarnell, Young, Youngtown,


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    **Breach of Contract, Stop Orders, Abandonment, Payment Failures - legal services - craigslist (2024)


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    Article information

    Author: Delena Feil

    Last Updated:

    Views: 5529

    Rating: 4.4 / 5 (65 voted)

    Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Delena Feil

    Birthday: 1998-08-29

    Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

    Phone: +99513241752844

    Job: Design Supervisor

    Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

    Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.